It was sort of like one of the zombie movies. Empty parking lots. McDonald’s – closed. Starbucks – closed. Main Street tavern – lights out, windows dark. Hanging on the front door, slightly tilted, a sign: Closed.

The water is running again. The news came too late for me. Probably should have gone to the internet at the break of dawn to check the status of the boil-the-water order, which prompted the Health Department to close all the Broken Arrow restaurants.

It doesn’t take long to realize how much we take those taps and faucets for granted, and how many people can be affected when the supply dries up.

The call from BA’s robo-dialer came about 10:30am, and since everything is prepped daily, there wasn’t enough time to make the stew and the soup and the mashed potatoes before the lunch hour. It was a sandwiches-only day.

Ironically, no tap water is used in the food preparation here. When the kitchen remodel was first completed and the hand-sink faucet was tested, the water had a chemical odor. Smelled like chlorine to me. Same water as everyone else’s faucets, but it seemed different in the new kitchen. I figured if I could smell it in the water, it could probably be tasted as well. Some tea and coffee brewers are directly attached to the plumbing, but our machine requires the water to be poured manually.

Buying the pure-filtered water is a chore sometimes, but I’ve had people comment about the great flavor of the tea – which I believe starts with unadulterated water. Same thing for the stew and soups. Using bottled filtered water didn’t save me from being shut down along with everybody else in town, but least I had books to sell and didn’t have to close completely like so many others.

I’ve done some vegetable chopping this afternoon. Getting a head-start for Friday morning. The water is running again. The dishes are washed and sanitized.

Bring your appetite.


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!