O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art that new shop Romeo’s?

Juliet: If thou wilt not, be but sworn for my love o’ java,
And I’ll no longer need a Cupulet.

Romeo: Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?

Juliet: Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What’s Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to Main. O, What’s in a name? That which we call the Rose District
By any other name would smell as sweet.

Romeo: What‘choo talkin’bout Willis?

The question isn’t really What’s in a Name… but Where? As it pertains to the BA Rose District, it depends on who you ask. And – as to Romeo’s, the new Espresso shop on Main Street in Broken Arrow – is it in the Rose District, or not? (Spoiler Alert: According to both maps, Romeo’s Espresso Café makes it inside the north boundary, just by the hair-eth of their chinny-chin-chin-eth.) Of course, if you look closely at both maps, you’ll notice that both have the irregular edges more commonly found on gerrymandered political districts. (Oooh, oooh… Five bonus points for landing the gerrymandered tile on the Scrabble-blog square!) The bright, white Performing Arts Center made it, due to a lucky gravitational pull on the east side of Main.

Shakespeare: Romeo, doff thy cap
And for that name which is more a part of me
Take it for thyself.

Romeo: Done, dude. Espresso?

The Tulsa World published a map-graphic Friday that outlines what presumably is the official border surrounding the planned arts and entertainment district. But, if you Google the term “Rose District” for Broken Arrow, the results bring up a map with a differing set of boundaries.

Primary difference? Only the intersection at Broadway makes the map in the Google version, which keeps the Rose District as a length of Main Street between Kenosha at the north end and Houston at the south. The World’s graphic includes Broadway from Main to Elm.

Does it amount to a big, big difference?

Nah. A rising tide floats all the boats. Let’s all get aboard-eth. The Rose District, by any other boundary would smell as sweet.

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main, Broken Arrow OK!