The typist type?

Times change, but WE don’t always. When you call someone to apologize for your grievous error, do you plead, “Don’t hang up!” Even if you know they’re on a cell phone?

Heck. You know they can’t “hang up.” They can only “click off.” Or, is it “push red?” Touch End?

We don’t have a great phrase for this yet – I’m thinking. When don’t have a new phrase, we cling to the tried and trusty phrases during our daily conversations. And we have a bunch.

Don’t touch that dial, for example. In truth, though, I don’t hear this one so often anymore. There haven’t been dials on televisions for ages and even most car radios by now are fitted with buttons rather than dials.

Got a note from the BA bureaucracy the other day. I’ve snapped a picture of the official line, where we business owners must affix a signature or undoubtedly suffer the consequences. In case my camera-work doesn’t do it justice, I’ll just spell it out: TYPE or PRINT.

Huh? What’s that?

I have to print or – Type? I’m guessing I am one of the few licensed restaurants in Broken Arrow (probably Oklahoma) that actually has a typewriter on the premises. Bound to be one of the few operators who actually took Typing in high school. Are those machines honestly (Or dishonestly?) still being used in some offices?

A young fellow was in the shop with his mother and looked at my Royal, positioned at the front window.

Mommy! He called out, Look at that old, old computer!

Before screens were invented, I wanted to say. But, I’m half-tempted to use that machine on my response form…

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Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St, Broken Arrow OK!