Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

We’re on the Map!

Honestly, I don’t know who I need to thank. Thursday’s edition of the Tulsa World always includes a tab section called Weekend (used to be called the Spot), and surprise, Surprise! There’s a store mention, right there in black and white.

Actually, black and white and green if you include the map.

Today’s paper has a special section intended as a tourist-type informational guide for those in the area for the Bassmaster fishing tournament on Grand Lake. The back of the Weekend section has business profiles and maps, separated by region – Brady District, Blue Dome District, Downtown, Jenks, and so on. Broken Arrow is included.

McHuston Booksellers and Irish Bistro managed a mention and a dot on the map. The accompanying image is only a portion of the Broken Arrow section, but you can click on the picture to enlarge the map and read the text.

It’s clear that someone must have visited the shop, since the paragraph mentions “a quaint eating area,” and I’m not certain the website images show the tables to any advantage to arrive at that description. The menu was described as well, although that could have been taken from this website.

There are a number of Broken Arrow locations that could have been included instead of McHuston Booksellers – places better known than the bookstore. I’m appreciative of being given a spot on the map and was happy to see a couple of other specialty shops listed as well, like my neighbor and her fine chocolates.

In fact, four of us in the Rose District were named: Main Street Tavern, Nouveau Chocolates, Bella Vita Home Décor, and McHuston Booksellers and Irish Bistro.

Not surprisingly, the Bass Pro Shop was the first listed – and undoubtedly will be visited by a number of the folks who have traveled here for the fishing tournament.

The description for the bookstore included the letter-key that indicated we serve both lunch and dinner, which is a little premature. I’m getting the systems in place to roll out evening food service, and am looking forward to the activities that are just ahead for Main Street and the Rose District.

Great things are here, and greater things are on the horizon!

McHuston Booksellers and Irish Bistro
Rose District, Broken Arrow OK
122 South Main Street


  1. Jim Helmick

    Thanks for the link, Larry. I enjoyed the story. Sure can’t do better than that for non-advertising- budget-supported ink.
    I’ll be thinking of you March 17th.Jim

  2. admin

    Hey, Cuz!

    I’ve had that date rolling around in my head for a couple of days now, pre-planning. I was surprised and happy to see the note in the Tulsa paper!


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