I believe this is the message my vehicle is trying to tell me:

Van (laboring in vain as I turn the key and the engine slowly grinds): Will. You. Just. Stop? If you were a robot, you’d be dead, too.

Single-digit temperatures and The Beast don’t get along. Mostly the van doesn’t move along when bitterly cold weather is at hand. Or at battery. Fortunately, I suspected as much and did not waste time scraping the ice off the passenger-side windows before cranking the engine over. (That’s an overly-optimistic description of what happened.)

Borrowed car later, I’m here at the shop – an island of warmth in the midst of a frosty, snowy wasteland.

Normally, by eleven-thirty in the morning, the parking spaces in front of the store are already filled. People getting an early-jump on lunch at the Main Street Tavern and the BruHouse Grill. Normally, I’m ready to serve lunch at this hour of the day as well, which adds a little to the lunchtime parking demand.

As you can see in the snapshots, there is no problem at all today. Plenty of wide-open spots in which to roll up, roll in, and grab something to eat. Except, you’ll have to opt for my neighbor’s tables for lunch today. I finally arrived just a few minutes ago and it’s a little late in the morning to start peeling carrots and potatoes.

So, I’ve taped a little notice to the front door that the Bistro kitchen is closed today, along with most of the schools in northeastern Oklahoma, and most of the businesses on my block here in the Rose District. (I didn’t put all that info on the little sign, just the Bistro part.)

When I was introduced to the five-degree temperature and that bitingly-crisp breeze, I wondered about the relative point in opening the store on such a day. Book emergencies are even more rare in this eReader day and age.

But I’m in my eighth year on Main Street, offering nicely-kept books to folks, at always-reasonable prices. And in all those days of turning on the lights and unlocking the front door, I’ve always sold a book. (Well – there was an afternoon during that blizzard several years back, when after several days trapped indoors I dug out the car and slid to the shop for two hours. Then locked up and slid back home. It was more an adventure in cabin fever relief than retail sales opportunities.)

The point of opening today?

It must have been for the young woman who breezed in (I felt the cold wind accompany her) and went directly to the parenting books. What to Expect when You’re Expecting. I had to stop my typing here to ring up her purchase. Maybe not a book emergency, but she did say, “I’m so glad you’re open” as she walked in front of the counter.

That makes me feel good.

That might be the only sale of the day – for all I know. But the seven-plus year streak is still alive and – more importantly – I was here and had the book she was looking for. That makes a bookseller feel all warm inside.

An important feeling on such a day as this.

When we get a weather break, I hope you’ll

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!