Wow. Just as advertised.

Opened the cap and poured it into the tank. Got in the car and drove off. Two blocks from the auto parts store, the SERVICE ENGINE SOON light went out.

It has been on for weeks.

The plastic bottle label says STP Fuel Injector Treatment, and since I figured that was the problem – I grabbed one from the shelf and headed to the checkout counter. Best $5 purchase I’ve made in a long time.

As it turns out, you can’t leave gasoline in the tank for over year. Maybe you could once upon a time, and maybe back then it wouldn’t have turned out quite so badly. These days, the ethanol sold at most pumps begins to turn into corn syrup or some such thing after a while.


Since Little Red had been sidelined in the mechanic’s lot for longer than I care to admit, the fuel had gone all molasses on me. There wasn’t much in the tank to go sour but after the repair I filled up with fresh Premium Grade – it must have still been thick enough to drizzle over pancakes.

The poor little Firebird has been huffing and puffing, chugging and slugging its way through the gears. It had just enough oomph to make it into the parts store parking lot.

The purchase. The pour. The startup.


When I wheeled out of the lot and pulled out onto the street, I was thinking:

Nah. Couldn’t work that fast.

Then, a blink from the dashboard made me look. Two blocks away from the store and the SERVICE ENGINE light had gone out.

Vroom Vroom.

Miracle juice, I guess – at least for Little Red. I imagine there are any number of folks who have tried the same stuff without success. But hey! The car was a long way from curing itself before I emptied the bottle into the tank.

I think I’ve probably noted here already that my good friend Mark once pointed out that I changed jobs the way that he changed cars – and I hung on to my cars like he stuck to his job. (I probably would have met with greater career success had I followed his example…)

As it is, the little red Firebird will be celebrating its 20th birthday in a few months. I’ve only been here in the bookstore for half that time, but it is longer than any other place I’ve clocked in over the years. Still enjoying it.

And STP permitting, I’ll keep pulling Little Red into the parking space outside until we’re both best suited for the scrap heap.

We’ll be revving it up at lunchtime with something tasty, so…

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!