In a way, it was for the best. The lady at the counter had no idea she was to be the first customer for the Bistro. I didn’t tell her, either. I had no firm idea how the first transaction was going to go.

I had set the sign out on the sidewalk earlier with some trepidation, flying solo, wanting to serve some lunches but – obviously – not wanting to be overwhelmed. It was for that reason I decided to limit the lunch hour to just about that long: 11:30am to 1pm. I figured that would let me get an idea of how the system should work out.

Right off the bat, she had a question about ingredients: did the tortilla wrapper have sesame flour? Food allergies. I checked the package: no sesame flour. The Ham and Cheese Culchie was on (it’s my Irish-style wrap with sautéed bell peppers and onions).

You have to understand, I haven’t had any dry runs on delivery time. I’ve prepped the menu items, of course, to insure the taste and appearance, but as far as putting it on a plate for a customer – had not done it. Not even for family or friends.

She wanted it to go.

Fortunately, I had anticipated that possibility and had set out a couple of to-go boxes, just to be prepared. Had pre-portioned the ingredients. Opened the box of deli-wax paper to have it at the ready – in case it was needed.

I am guessing from opening the refrigerator to closing the snap-tabs on the foam box maybe three minutes passed. Maybe a lot less. It was in the bag complete with napkins, and rung up on the register inside four minutes. Again, maybe less. Granted, it was a straightforward order with no distractions – there weren’t any other customers in the store at the moment – but I’m happy with the way it came together. I’ve waited longer at a fast food counter.

It was smooth enough that I’m certain my first customer did not even realize she was the ice-breaker. That’s a good thing.

The only downside is, since it was ordered for carry out, I couldn’t ask her how she liked it. Not that it is some sort of fancy, delicate, rare culinary delight or anything: I just would have liked to have the feedback.

Tomorrow is another day. Part of the nervous anticipation should be gone by then.

Meanwhile, the lettering is scheduled to be added to the awning this week, another step in getting the store to that fully-realized and ready for anything stage!