Something could be said about lofty goals, or the rock-steady confidence in the book industry. Maybe it’s a depiction of the enduring nature of the climb, striving to reach the summit. The frigid climate at the top of the literary world. Man. I’m reaching here.

It is just a picture, folks.

Mountains in the distance. Snow-capped. Trees and craggy overlooks. Nature stuff.


Eventually, the webpage will feature an aesthetically-pleasing, locally-topical photograph that will have a definite connection to: 1) the book shop. 2) the Rose District. 3) Broken Arrow 4) Irish lunch fare.

Oh, and 5) Books.

After all, this is a bookstore website. Maybe the new photo will be along the lines of the image at the right, which is the wrong shape to replace the hi-def shaped mountain-pic. Click on the bookshop-at-night image for a groovy 3-D effect. (OK. I’m kidding about the 3-D thing.)

At this point, I’m just pleased to have something up and showing. (You have NO idea how much whining, cursing, and foot-stamping you have missed getting to this point.) Website crashes are akin to trashbag failures: Frightening at the initial impact, tedious in the cleanup, and odorous in the aftermath. I’m bleaching the smell out at this point. So…

Any of you photo-minded shutter-snappers who’d like to have an image featured (with credits) to replace the less-than-idyllic Alps/other mountain range picture (’cause I just don’t know an Alp when I see one) – send an email for the size requirements or download the mountains image as a template. A prize may be involved.

And, thanks for asking (even if it was to yourself): What does a mountain scene have to do with a Rose District bookstore? To which, the short answer would have been – Nada. Zip. Nothing. (OK. Getting long-winded for a short answer.)

(A $25 gift certificate to the first to identify – correctly – the obscure blog title reference… )

Come Visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District, BA. OK!