The barriers are down. The lights are on and the signs are up as a notice that doorkeepers at AVB Bank – (formerly known as Arkansas Valley Bank) in the Rose District, are throwing open the new building.

Kinda tricky, since the signs went up before the end of business on Friday afternoon, sending a few folks (no names mentioned here) down the block to the new building ahead of schedule.


It’s a beautiful addition to the area, done in an architectural style that makes the new construction right at home among the turn-of-the-century buildings that are the heart of the Rose District. The landscaping sets the bank off nicely, along with the new bronze monument on the north edge of the site.

AVB is at the corner of Main and El Paso and is worth a look the next time you are passing through the District.


Progress is being made on their neighbor’s construction, as well. The 1st National Bank building has some of the employees in a remodeled section, while others are still in temporary quarters until their spaces are finished.

It’s all a surprise to people who haven’t been around for a time. More than one visitor on Saturday mentioned what a pleasing change the downtown has undergone in the past few years. I’ll be happy when the last of the construction fences comes down, but it is still exciting that new things are popping up regularly.

A spokesman for Andolini’s called during the week to mention that the restaurant will be opening in the next week or so, bringing another dining opportunity to the Rose. Andolini’s is already known in the Tulsa market and their food truck has already been seen handing out pizza slices on BA’s Main Street.

Just a few doors down from the bookstore there are plans for the location that formerly housed the Back Creek Deli. There seems to be a halt to the interior renovation currently, but a number of remodels on Main have gone through delays before the grand re-opening.

Across the street, another remodel is in the offing. They’ve taped up some signs on the glass at the former Bruhouse bar and grille to let us know that the spaces will soon be serving breakfast and brunch at the corner building, and BBQ next door. The sooner the better, as far as I’m concerned. Empty buildings on Main Street serve no one’s best interest.

In the meantime, we’ll keep a chair ready for you at lunch time! We’ll be serving up something tasty, so…

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!