Amongst the mess, there is beauty to behold! A fantastic day in the Rose District, with only a few rain sprinkles conjured up by my thoughts of car-washing. The few rain drops were gone before any of the sidewalk diners could think about changing tables.

Fences are still a topic of discussion on this block; a couple wandered across the street from Main Street Tavern while I was loading the back of the car to run an errand Saturday evening. They stared up for such a time that I finally had to ask what had caught their attention.

“We saw the fence around the roof,” he answered. “We wondered if there were restaurant tables up there.”

I pointed out that the iron railing kept my sheep from running away.



The roof-dining-question has been posed before, but the decorative wrought iron is more of a protective element to guard against wannabe Spidermen. (And women, I suppose.) Even with the railing, I’ve had to dash out the back door after hearing the tromping of feet above the ceiling.

The roof simply isn’t designed to host track meets or long jumping events, and the last thing I want is a leak that would drip down on the bookshelves.

Across Main Street is a chain link fence that I thought might be designed to keep the construction workers from running away, but that hasn’t worked perfectly either. I’m sure they have their reasons, but there have been a number of beautiful afternoons this past week in which the First National Bank job site was idle.

There have been inquiries about that enclosure as well. A fellow was looking out the front glass as he was chatting with me, and asked, “What’s going in across the street?”

A sheep pasture, I pointed out, since mine were too cooped up grazing on the roof.

Kidding, again. (I’m required to give the ‘kidding’ notice… Just kidding.)


He had not noticed the banner hanging on the fence with the artist’s depiction of the new façade and glass tower that will liven up the east side of Main when completed, and he simply presumed it was being turned into a shopping mall or something.

It has turned into a bigger project than I realized, and you can see in the image that I snapped a few minutes ago that the entire north wall is being replaced with steel girders and beams. I think they’re putting a restaurant up on the roof.


Although bank staff members who are temporarily moved into offices upstairs may have enjoyed that. I’ve been told that the renovation revealed some spots that needed attention, and they have received plenty of that during the past week.

In the meantime, I’ve taken advantage of the sunny day to take a picture of its progress and to spray the construction dust from the car. The old Firebird fares well under the Thirty Foot Rule.

If you stand that far away, it’s hard to notice the horrible paint job.

We’re serving tomorrow, so make a plan to…

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!