I’m guessing everyone would rather have a five-star review than not. A lot of our jobs aren’t evaluated publicly. I’ve had those year-end sessions with the boss, when the past year’s performance is evaluated. Like a report card for grownups.

That’s partly why I never wanted to grow up.

In radio, we called it “The Book.” As in, the ratings book. Back when I was around microphones (we had just retired the tin cans tied to a taut string), it was a tense time, when the Book came out. Who was number one?


And if it wasn’t you, there was plenty of digging into the numbers and demographics of that radio report card in an attempt to find some little part of it that could be spun into good news. Or at least some fact to be unashamed of, if pride was too much of a stretch. Not just here in the Tulsa market. Lots of folks across the country lost their jobs or were denied raises or faced a transfer to another market because of poor ratings.

I’m not certain what the report card is for artists. Maybe one of you will let me know. Sales might figure into it – if you’re selling lots of your work, you must be doing a good job. But that can’t be right. Consumerism as a determining factor in the art world would eliminate anything avant garde or risky.

Authors can have a tough go of it. Sites like Amazon have consumer-reviews that – I’m guessing – can have a debilitating effect on sales, if they don’t go well from the start. Those first written report cards might have a residual effect. There are authors who pay review services to stack the deck.

It’s a four-star review currently for The Catch, the latest thriller from Dallas author Taylor Stevens. I’m sure she’d rather have a five, but in today’s climate, four-stars plus a tasty Associated Press write-up has to be satisfying.

Here is the quote from the AP reviewer: “Intelligent writing, masterful pacing, and tense and fluid action scenes that feel ready-made for the cinema.”

I’ll agree with that for all Ms. Stevens titles, and since the website is now allowing the posting of images, I can now upload my photo of her book and poster, courtesy of Crown Publishing. It is a signed copy, and we’ll be giving it away on the evening of August’s First Thursday in the Rose District.

You have time to get your name entered in the drawing, so –

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!