America’s Grizzly Mom will make a Tulsa stop on her upcoming book tour. HarperCollins announced Wednesday that the former Republican vice presidential candidate and Alaska governor will tour to promote her second book, America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag.

Book Signing Brings Palin to Tulsa
The Tulsa stop will break with arrangements to visit Barnes & Noble locations in favor of the Mardels Christian Book Store on 71st Street at Highway 169. The appearance is scheduled for Friday, November 26.
Palin continues to flirt with the idea of a 2012 GOP presidential run, and her book tour will skip the east coast in favor of the heartland. Sunday, the former governor kicks off her new TLC reality show, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska.” The show has already been described as the “earliest, most expensive presidential campaign ad ever made.”
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