Something made me think about it, and when I did, I realized that I had a menu posted on the website that had not been updated.

Not in a good while.

Looking it over before I updated, I could see good intentions everywhere with a heaping spoon-full of impracticality. A friend had told me after looking over an early version of the menu that I needed to remember that I was running a book store that sold food, not a restaurant with some books around. He was right.

That version of the menu was pared down to the one that I just updated. As it turned out, when the waiter, the cook, the cashier, and the dishwasher are all the same person – it has to be a limited selection of items that can be easily presented. Oh yeah – it helps if they taste good.

I’ve mentioned before that things are ever changing, which shouldn’t be viewed as a negative. It keeps things fresh and edgy. Fresh I like. Edgy? I don’t know, but sometimes it gets the adrenaline started and that can be a good thing too.

It has been fun for me serving lunch, even if it gets a little hectic at times. Those of you who have allowed me to serve you lunch, I appreciate the opportunity – and hope you’ll be back soon!