It’s baaaaaaa-aaaaack! Almost anyway… I admit now (after years of denial) that I am a fan of football, not just college football. Turned on the TV and BAM! Game on!

But, then something horrible happened… The camera switched to the sideline (during the middle of a play) and a reporter began interviewing a player whose day was already finished (pre-season game and all) or who wasn’t even going to get into the mix.

What do you think it will take this season to compete? she asked him, standing there in his pristine white uniform. We’ll have to put it together and win games, he answered.

In the meantime there was a pass and a catch and a first down and, and, and – none of it could be seen, because the camera was facing the wrong way, apparently because it is an exhibition game and it doesn’t matter what happens.

Can’t we watch it anyway?

Sports books at McHuston Booksellers – including a first edition autobio from Howard Cosell, the voice of Monday Night Football, for many years:

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