The Big O had a fuss with Jonathan Franzen nine years ago. Oprah picked him to be the next bestselling author in the world, and he was worried it would detract from his literary viability. (She cancelled his appearance on her show for that.)
Time heals all wounds, I guess. She has given her stamp of approval to Franzen’s latest: Freedom. It’s his fourth novel, a funny, and forgiving portrait of a Midwestern family. Patty and Walter Berglund find each other early: a pretty jock and a budding lawyer who make a family and a life together, but slowly lose track of each other. The characters are the thing here.
Oprah recommends, and people respond. It’s currently the #1 selling book in America. Will people read it? The early word of mouth is good which may translate to readers. (I once had a shelf-full of John Steinbeck novels with the Oprah stamp, and not one looked to have been read.)
You can be the judge!
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