Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

Tag: Pryor (Page 55 of 105)

Teaching an old book new tricks.

Weak spine. Sunburn. Bumped head. Maladies of aging that aren’t that surprising after more than one-hundred years on this old Earth. I hope I hold up as well as these old books. At the very least, I hope my appendages don’t fall off from overuse, like the leather book covers did on this two volume set.

Back when these volumes were printed, paper was a lot sturdier. In general, books printed and bound before the mid-nineteenth century hold up well over time. Like everything else, it depends on how they are cared for during their life on the shelf.

If you never change the oil in the car, the engine could fail eventually, if pressed hard enough. A lot of shiny cars turn rusty on the coasts. Sun does its damage over time, too. Particularly when it comes to books parked near a window.

It might have just been constant opening and closing that ruined the leather-bound boards on this 1860 set. A well-read book of that time would be more likely to lose only the front cover. Sun and humidity will ruin even fine leather over the decades, and I’m guessing that’s what happened to Lord McCauley’s Miscellaneous Writings, published by Spottiswood and Company of London.

When the books arrived, the back cover of volume two was missing in action. The three others were completely detached.

There are ways to repair loose boards, but the process is much more involved and – to tell the truth – many antique books don’t warrant the time and effort required to put them to rights. Like old car restoration, some classics will benefit from a frame-off, ground-up repair. Others just need the dents pounded out and spray painted.

I’m hoping the work on these two volumes will increase their value, and it’s probable, since I picked them up on the cheap due to their condition. Since one board was gone, reattaching the covers wasn’t an option. The back board of volume two came courtesy of an old Clive Cussler novel that had seen better days. Sort of like the organ donor program. It was sky-blue and hardly suited for an antique, but that’s all right. It’s well hidden after the repair.

The Cussler-cover is now underneath a new leather binding at the spine, and an 1860s-design-appropriate piece of cloth. Rather than lose the nice marbled paper used in the original free end page, I photocopied the board interior and used it as the new paste-down page, which covers the binding work on the inside.

As you can see in the third image, Volume One is still waiting for the emergency room doctor, but Volume Two is now complete and ready for another 150 years.

With a little good fortune, it will spend its second incarnation out of the sunlight and in the comfort of a good home, so those covers won’t come loose again.

Of course, after 150 years, I won’t be surprised if my arms simply drop off one day. I’ll keep the binder’s glue ready, just in case.

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

What a difference a year makes.

Time was, you could fire a cannon down the middle of Main Street after 5pm and not worry a single soul. It wasn’t that long ago. Before moving the shop into the Rose District, I would occasionally take a slight detour after locking up and drive through Old Downtown BA.


You could have parked anywhere, but wouldn’t have had much of a reason to do so. Nothing much was open. I should know. For years, I was probably the last retail shop open after five or six o’clock on Main.

Take a look at the picture. You can click on it for a slightly larger view, if you like. The snapshot was taken about seven-thirty this evening. As you can see, it’s a completely different scenario these days. The image is looking south through the Main and Commercial Street intersection, from in front of the shop. When I looked the other direction, the parking spaces were filled all the way to Broadway.

Since I don’t own an NSA secret-agent look-around-the-corner camera, you can’t see the cars parked east and west along Commercial.

And in the public lot on Ash Street.

The photo was taken about the time of day I would occasionally drive down Main before heading to the house, back when the shop was in the Oak Crest Center. Back then, you could have had your pick of spaces in which to park, but not many shopping or dining options.

That was before Main Street Tavern and the Bruhouse Grill and Fiesta Mambo. And with yesterday’s announcement about The Rooftop (to open in June above In the Raw’s new restaurant location), and the rumored restaurant to be located right next door, the evening activity will certainly make for busy sidewalks and happy, hungry guests.

But no more firing of cannons down the middle of Main.

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

You call it.

It was a divided highway. I was driving in the left-hand lane. In Oklahoma, we recognize that as the – Exceed-The-Speed-Limit lane of traffic. The highway wasn’t particularly crowded, but there were a number of cars on the other side of the median, coming in my direction.

Most of them were flashing their headlights on and off.

Speed trap ahead, I thought to myself. I began scanning the shoulder up ahead, trying to locate the Highway Patrol cruiser with the radar gun. I was about to give up when I spotted him, driving in the inner lane, red-lights flashing, headlights blinking. But, I couldn’t see anyone being chased. All the northbound cars had pulled over to the outside lane, still flashing their headlights about the speed trap.

Weird, I thought.

I looked back at my own lane, where a large sedan was headed directly for me. Going the wrong way. I’m doing seventy-miles-per-hour. We’re closing fast.

Really fast.

There wasn’t even a second to shout. Or cuss. I looked up, saw the impending head-on collision, and in the same moment in time – the car whizzed by my door.

I guess I had jerked the steering wheel. At any rate, the next thing I know I’m driving at seventy-miles-an-hour in the outside lane. The Highway Patrol cruiser is visible in my rear view mirror – he’s pacing the car that’s headed in the wrong direction, maybe trying to get him to stop or pull onto the shoulder, I don’t know.

There wasn’t even time to be nervous or scared when it happened, but I got the shakes afterward. There were two of us in the front seat of my car. We both would have died.

I can’t really solve the mystery of actions or reactions that happen outside the thinking process. Instinct, maybe. Some would call it Divine Intervention. The crazy thing is, I’ve had similar incidents in which the outcome was Whew! What a close one! – rather than suffering through trips to the emergency room. I thought about that driving episode when I read about the boy falling from a third-story apartment today.

Maybe that toddler will wonder one day about the serendipity of it, or the Divine Intervention, that allowed his fall from a third-floor apartment balcony to be interrupted by a man and woman who happened to be carrying their bed on the sidewalk this afternoon.

If you didn’t see the story, you can read it here: Reuters News

In a nutshell, the three-year old was tossing toys from a window or balcony and decided to climb out after them. After less than a minute of precarious clinging, gravity prevailed. Here’s that amazing part. The guy moving the mattress glanced up, saw the kid a moment before he fell, and positioned the bedding on the sidewalk as a safety net backup as he tried to catch the boy.

Konrad Lighter managed to grab the kid. Neither is the worse for wear. What should have been – by all circumstances – a heart-wrenching accidental death, will be remembered as a childhood incident that made the news. Mr. Lighter is the hero of the event, not because he acted bravely, but because he Acted. Reacted to the situation. Moved faster than he had time to think.

You can call it a miracle, or whatever you like.

It was certainly a lucky day for moving the bedroom furniture on the sidewalk below the apartments. At least, it was lucky for one three-year-old toy tosser.

Some true stories are more outrageous than fiction. You’ll find both kinds on the book shelves when you –

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

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