Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

Tag: Pryor (Page 48 of 105)

Heat? Bring it on!

Sunday. Day of rest. Day of rest? No. More like, day of ALL the rest – all the rest of the projects that could not be completed during the regular work week.


Can’t let the summer heat go to waste. Instead of boiling water to set inside the frosted-over freezer to speed up the melting, that 90+ degree heat outdoors is making for a quick disappearance of all that icy buildup. No boiling water. No drippy mess on the kitchen floor. (I have containers on the sidewalk to catch the run-off, but all the little splashes are evaporating about as quickly as they hit the deck.)

Those of us still living in the defrost age have a decided advantage. Those frost-free freezers and refrigerators don’t have a built-in cleaning reminder. Of course, Dustin and I aren’t dirtying-up the interior by tossing in open pans of spaghetti sauce or some such thing (my son Dustin and I are sharing kitchen duties as of a couple of weeks ago – what a godsend that has been!). We take care to keep up with it, but there are some projects that are out of the regular cycle. Like today’s episode.


I sprayed and paper-toweled the freezer interior as it became visible from under the layer of frost, but there wasn’t a lot to clean. The defrosting brings about a forced reminder to clean the floor under the freezer, the appliance interior, and the top of the thing.

Sometimes I think we need those sorts of personal-defrosting moments that would allow us to scrub up our life-fringes. But that’s a project for some other Sunday.

While the freezer sits outside drawing the attention of passersby, I’ve taken the opportunity to address a couple of the tables. Attached a metal strap under the wooden top that was damaged in transit and only lately began to become an issue. Added another in a separate area as an insurance measure. Tightened the screws on the legs. Same drill for a second table.


I’d love to spend more time under this air conditioning vent typing up progress reports, but I’ve got to get that frozen food out of the backup unit and into the freezer.

Here’s one thing that was reinforced already today, as a result of the projects: There is no honest work accomplished without busting a knuckle or two.

I’ve busted one already.

Nine to spare.

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!


You can catch it too… The latest adventure featuring Vanessa Michael Munroe has been released by Crown Publishers. Ms. Munroe is a problem-solving dynamo who is a mix of Jason Bourne, James Bond, and the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. BAM! ThwaaAACK! Great reading!

I had a couple of really nice images to show you. (I can make my photography sound much better when I don’t show the results!) The system is still keeping me from uploading. If you close your eyes and squint, you can imagine the easel-back posters for THE CATCH which are standing behind the copies of the hardback, with my small placard in front. It’s beautiful, I tell you. (It’s on my list to call the service provider about the website’s image-upload problem…) In the meantime, I can feature a picture of the Dallas-based author, Taylor Stevens, who was kind enough to put her publisher in contact with the shop.


As a result, I have a signed copy of THE CATCH to give away, and all you have to do is drop by and put your name in the drawing box.

As with many of the serial stories, it helps if you have read all the previous episodes, but Ms. Stevens writes in such a way that you may jump in at any point in the series and easily follow the premise. (I actually read the first book in the series later on…)

Catch some great shopping weather this week! And while you’re in the Rose District, stop by the shop and register for the signed First Edition copy. We’ll be drawing the winner’s name during White Linen Night festivities on August 12.

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 S. Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

Go forth, 4th!

Ah, the summer air, sunshine, and the smell of onions on the grill! Happy 4th of July!

Having reached the age at which I have gone through my lifetime’s allotment of things to explode, I’ll leave those gunpowder-related things to younger fire-pappies and just stick to admiring the features of the season. I’m at the shop, as usual. This afternoon is devoted to research projects and ignoring the remaining few stacks of books that require pricing and shelving.

Needless to say, the shop is closed, although many of my Rose District neighbors are conducting business as usual. The restaurants are open (with the exception of Romeo’s and Back Creek Deli) and folks are out enjoying the day at the sidewalk tables.

Be safe in your endeavors today and call if you suddenly experience a book emergency.

I’m here to serve.


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

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