Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

Tag: literature (Page 14 of 39)

Not a Hot Streak, but it warms me anyway.

I believe this is the message my vehicle is trying to tell me:

Van (laboring in vain as I turn the key and the engine slowly grinds): Will. You. Just. Stop? If you were a robot, you’d be dead, too.

Single-digit temperatures and The Beast don’t get along. Mostly the van doesn’t move along when bitterly cold weather is at hand. Or at battery. Fortunately, I suspected as much and did not waste time scraping the ice off the passenger-side windows before cranking the engine over. (That’s an overly-optimistic description of what happened.)

Borrowed car later, I’m here at the shop – an island of warmth in the midst of a frosty, snowy wasteland.

Normally, by eleven-thirty in the morning, the parking spaces in front of the store are already filled. People getting an early-jump on lunch at the Main Street Tavern and the BruHouse Grill. Normally, I’m ready to serve lunch at this hour of the day as well, which adds a little to the lunchtime parking demand.

As you can see in the snapshots, there is no problem at all today. Plenty of wide-open spots in which to roll up, roll in, and grab something to eat. Except, you’ll have to opt for my neighbor’s tables for lunch today. I finally arrived just a few minutes ago and it’s a little late in the morning to start peeling carrots and potatoes.

So, I’ve taped a little notice to the front door that the Bistro kitchen is closed today, along with most of the schools in northeastern Oklahoma, and most of the businesses on my block here in the Rose District. (I didn’t put all that info on the little sign, just the Bistro part.)

When I was introduced to the five-degree temperature and that bitingly-crisp breeze, I wondered about the relative point in opening the store on such a day. Book emergencies are even more rare in this eReader day and age.

But I’m in my eighth year on Main Street, offering nicely-kept books to folks, at always-reasonable prices. And in all those days of turning on the lights and unlocking the front door, I’ve always sold a book. (Well – there was an afternoon during that blizzard several years back, when after several days trapped indoors I dug out the car and slid to the shop for two hours. Then locked up and slid back home. It was more an adventure in cabin fever relief than retail sales opportunities.)

The point of opening today?

It must have been for the young woman who breezed in (I felt the cold wind accompany her) and went directly to the parenting books. What to Expect when You’re Expecting. I had to stop my typing here to ring up her purchase. Maybe not a book emergency, but she did say, “I’m so glad you’re open” as she walked in front of the counter.

That makes me feel good.

That might be the only sale of the day – for all I know. But the seven-plus year streak is still alive and – more importantly – I was here and had the book she was looking for. That makes a bookseller feel all warm inside.

An important feeling on such a day as this.

When we get a weather break, I hope you’ll

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

Long too soon for Goodbye.

They were huddled in the living room between the couch and the big easy chair, banging out Mustang Sally on electric guitars. A handful of us watched in the remaining floor space between the amplifiers, the drummer, and the walls.

The guy standing next to my friend Craig wasn’t playing, but it was apparent that he was a musician. His name was DeWayne and had that rock-and-roll look. Maybe Allman Brothers or Stevie Ray Vaughn. He was lean and angular and wore his blonde hair long – at least, for that day and age. But he was SO young.

Looking back on that evening, I’m guessing DeWayne Kennon must have been in junior high – 9th grade, I suppose.

There were garage bands around, but not so many in McAlester that one didn’t know the others. It’s still a small town. This band on that day wasn’t out in the cold, but jammed into the living room of one of their parents, jamming to rattle the windows. It was as close to live music as I had ever experienced.

After a couple of songs the drummer said something to the others and the skinny blonde kid opened a guitar case and pulled out a left-handed Fender.

A minute or so later, his age was no longer even considered. His music was the real deal.

The band was called Crystal Image and they even had posters. Print-shop-quality posters. They had played on television on a dance show in Tulsa or Fort Smith. About as professional as you can get for high school lads from McAlester, Oklahoma.

It has been enough years ago that the personnel changes are a little fuzzy, but at some point, DeWayne became the guitar player for the band. In the picture (which I have borrowed courtesy of Paul Choate’s website. Paul, I hope you don’t mind…), you can see the fellows who were the basis of Crystal Image. From left to right: Paul Choate, bass; DeWayne Kennon, guitar; Kenny Milam, guitar; Larry Hall, drums.

Still later on, I got to play with them and I can only imagine that I talked my way in. They didn’t let me join in for my musical prowess, that’s for certain. We weren’t known as Crystal Image at that point: the band was simply called – Kennon. I may have had ignition keys to the equipment-hauling van but we all knew it was DeWayne and his guitar-licks driving our musical bus.

Like anything else, there were highs and lows – but it was always fun playing music with DeWayne, his cousin Larry Hall on drums, and bass player Ronnie Christian. We played several weeks running at a nightspot called Roadhouse West, a venue I was technically too young to enter. I thought we had developed a star-quality following after a number of weekly appearances, but found out after the fact that the packed house and its dancing, partying, fun-loving crowd was mostly due to a liberal underage admittance policy. (I had thought I recognized some faces in the audience… )

Then there was that one-nighter at a college hangout in Ada, Oklahoma, where the stage was situated along a wall without a single electrical outlet. The house was rockin’ and we were in full swing when suddenly my electric piano went mute, and DeWayne and Ronnie’s guitars fell silent. In fact, the whole house went quiet except for Larry and his drums.

He began to slow his tempo, while looking around, and then finally just quit. In the ensuing silence of the nightclub, Larry pointed a drumstick toward a corner table and called to the people sitting there.

You’ve unplugged our extension cord, he said. Will you plug us back in?

They did, and we went back to work.

Since my piano was oversized, it was normally set up on the stage in a manner that had me facing the band rather than the audience. DeWayne and Larry used to talk about watching some of the dancers. I never said anything, but I enjoyed watching DeWaye, Larry, and Ronnie playing and singing. It was a thrill to me, just to be up there with them.

We practiced new material in a loft we had rented over a ladies’ dress shop. Some of you will remember it as catty-corner from the old Hunt’s Department Store in downtown McAlester. It was a long, narrow flight of stairs to get up there.

And I played a piano.

It was smaller than the normal home instrument, but it was still bulky and heavy. It took all of us to drag it up the stairs. Late one night, about halfway to the upper landing, DeWayne moaned a little under the weight, and then asked me why I hadn’t learned to play the flute instead. Lucky I hadn’t. There was no spot in the band for a flute player.

I’m a poor correspondent. Hadn’t spoken to DeWayne and Larry for years and then, probably 25 years ago and completely out of the blue – we ran into each other at the Tulsa zoo. Ronnie married and joined the service and I had not heard a thing about him until I saw him listed as a pall bearer in the News-Capital obituary.

DeWayne died earlier this week.

It turns out, he was only a year younger than me, but first impressions seem to stick and that kid with the left-handed guitar didn’t look old enough to play all those years ago. And he is too young to have left us.

Thanks for helping me carry that piano all those nights, DeWayne. And thanks for carrying me and the boys with your excellent guitar playing. I just wish there was such a thing as a life-encore so I could have heard you play one more tune before you left the stage.

Goodbye Speedway. Hello Casual Shopping.

It may have some folks “seeing red,” but I think it’s a thing of beauty. Talking about the color of the north-south traffic signals in the Rose District. I got shivers the other night when I was leaving the shop.

It was after dark, as usual, and something caught my eye in the rear-view mirror. I started to pull to the side of the road, thinking it was an ambulance or – more typically – a fire department truck barreling down Main.

It wasn’t.

The flashing red was a traffic light – one that I had stopped for without thinking much about it at the time. When I looked back in the mirror a few moments later, the lights at every intersection along Main were stopping traffic, glowing red.

Now – I’ll admit to being aggravated when traffic in three directions is halted at red lights, while no cars are even approaching the green. It happens frequently at Elm and 91st (Washington St, as it’s labeled in BA).

But downtown Broken Arrow is not an expressway or a thoroughfare. It should not be the fastest route to traverse that two mile stretch from Kenosha to Washington.

So. There are some drivers wondering why they have to stop at Main and Commercial. No cars are coming. Some have been angry and it is easy to spot them. They are the drivers now pushing fifty-miles-an-hour in the length of a city block, trying to make the next light before it turns red.

Those folks are missing the point. Badly.

When Rhema hangs millions and millions of colored lights on the trees at Christmas, they expect drivers to cruise through at a reasonable pace, to be able to look at the brilliant splendor, while avoiding smashing into other cars and people ambling through the crosswalk. When you pack the relatives into the backseat to go tour the Rhema display, I’m guessing you don’t attempt a land speed record driving down Kenosha (71st as you Tulsa people know it).

But that is what has been happening on Main. For years it has been the quickest way to whip through that two-mile stretch. No speed traps. No red lights. Four fat lanes of traffic and crosswalks be darned (family blog, you recall). That phrase that aptly describes fear, looking “like a deer in the headlights” originated in Broken Arrow. Except, it was actually: looking “like a ‘dear’ at the green light.”

Mother, holding the hand of her toddler, impatiently waiting to cross Main: No, dear. We have to wait for the green light.

Toddler: But Mommy! The light IS green.

Mother: Yes, dear. But I meant that figuratively. We only have a green light to cross when the nearest car is more than a block away. Get ready now… When I scream GO! Fly like the wind!

My own life was saved the other evening by my mother, as we stepped from the sidewalk onto the street. The light was green, the little walking man shining on the post was green, the new gizmo was beeping that we could cross with ADA impunity. We were halfway across when a pickup sped through the red light, directly in front of us. Had I been walking at my normal pace, I’d be dead.

Or laid up, wishing I was.

The soap box here is beginning to sag under my continued use of it. The point? Rose District is no longer business as usual. Changes are afoot. Literally.

It isn’t a deserted stretch of buildings in which you might park to visit your tax-preparer or attorney’s office. Plenty of people have recounted to me the great times in downtown BA of old – when there was the soda fountain and the drug store and the movie theater and the dime store.

Sorry. But the Rose District has a history museum for that stuff. If the city is to raise tax revenue from this area, it can’t be a largely forgotten group of buildings. Broken Arrow is now one of the largest cities in Oklahoma, and an embarrassing percentage of our residents have never visited Main Street between 71st and 91st. Others know it only as a shortcut where speeding is ignored.

Newsflash. It has not been ignored. There was simply no recourse for those of us trying to get people to stop and shop.

But red lights at the intersections might allow some drivers to look around. Maybe spot a gift shop. A restaurant. New buildings under construction. A specialty chocolatier. Antiques dealers. Florists. A bicycle shop. Clothing. Furniture. More restaurants. A cigar bar. An art gallery. Women’s formal wear. Gold and diamonds at the jeweler’s shop. A deli. A vendor’s consortium. Another one with completely different offerings. A coffee shop/restaurant at the far end. Antiques and specialty furniture restoration.

Oh. And there is the gym and the medical office and the cellphone store. Oh, and another restaurant. I’m sure I’ve left some of my neighbors out, but this is already running long and my cognizance has a limited-time efficiency.

(Oh, yeah. May I also mention a bookstore in the Rose?)

What? Didn’t realize all this could be found along the edges of your 71st to 91st racetrack? What can I say? Pull up a redlight and give up 90 seconds of your life. Take a deep breath and a look around.

You might see something you like.

And those of you who already understand the point of this historic part of Broken Arrow – Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

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