They’re up! The first wave of holiday lights have been mounted at a local shopping center…it’s two days before Halloween. The news had an item about “black Friday” sales already begun.

We’ve got to get busy!

In fact, a commercial for a seasonal store finished off with the line, “Hurry! Sale ends October 30th!” In other words, after tomorrow, we’re too late to get in on the Christmas Sale (ooops, I mean Holiday Sale). It’s all over before I even got started.

Presumably, the down economy is contributing to the already tense retail atmosphere. With the perception of limited consumer spending, retailers are starting earlier to get their share of the selling-pie. Personally, I think people are tired of riding the pine down in the storm cellar waiting for the economic storm to pass.

“Bust open that door,” I shouted, leaping up from the bench. “Let’s go buy a book!”

“Sounded just like a freight train,” she answered, walking up into the twilight of the clearing skies. “We’re not in Kansas anymore.”

And just like that the Great Recession ended and the country sat back on its haunches and had a good laugh and a bag of Hot Cheetos.

The primer of positive thinking:

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