Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

Tag: Catoosa (Page 77 of 101)

Remembering Tulsa’s KAKC Radio.

They called it THE BIG 97 and it’s fun to remember just how big it really was. KAKC was at the top of the hill when AM radio was still king in Tulsa, and the images in Steve Clem’s new book are reminders of the impact of radio and the excitement created by the deejays working the shifts.

Pretty straightforward title: Tulsa’s KAKC Radio: The Big 97.

Some of you will say, Wait a Minute! KAKC was at 1300. True, but that change came later and is covered in Clem’s book. In fact, a lot of territory is covered but easily digested in the photo-heavy format of Arcadia Publishing’s “Images of America” series. (Shameless plug: Arcadia was the publisher of my little book on McAlester and Pittsburg County, Oklahoma.)

When I was a yoot in my yoot-full days, I relocated to Tulsa in hopes of securing the easy life of riches and fame by playing music. Got an apartment. Got a day job building bicycles, working next to KOTV alum Jim Kudlacek. Scoped out places where the band could play – there were plenty of spots back then.


The band broke up. There were several reasons, but the effect was the same. I was in a six-month lease and paying rent by assembling Schwinn Continentals.

It was KAKC on the radio when I drove to work. KAKC on the drive home. Mike McCarthy, the Morning Mouth. Scooter B. Segraves. I sold the Chevy van I’d needed to haul the band’s equipment around and bought a Triumph Spitfire. It was brilliant red and so low to the ground that I could only pick up KAKC in certain parts of town. Linda Ronstadt and “You’re No Good” coming out of the tiny little speaker.

I was living large on minimum wage.

My car in high school was tuned to KOMA in Oklahoma City and I constantly mimicked a fellow named Jim St. John, who worked afternoons, if I remember right. Between my practiced impression of him, my hours listening to the KAKC crew, and the broadcasting-insider stories of Sir Kudlacek, I landed myself a desk at a broadcasting school and a twenty year career in radio and television.

Never did get rich or famous. Looking over the KAKC book reminded me how it was easy to spend all that time doing that kind of work. It was fun. Later, it wasn’t as much.

Things changed. And not just KAKC’s frequency jump from the Big 97. There is still fun in the media, to be sure. It’s just a different level than the times depicted in the pages of Tulsa’s KAKC Radio.

Underneath those rock-and-roller-hairstyles are plenty of smiling faces, from the first image in the book to the final picture – a snapshot of the author with Scooter Segraves. Mr. Clem has captured the excitement that filled that era in Tulsa, when radio was a part of people’s everyday lives with music and concerts and contests.

And smiles.

It’s a fun book, too, for media fans and former KAKC listeners. Makes me want another low-riding British sportscar.

Probably couldn’t get into it.

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow, OK!

Catching the 3:10 to Yuma and points Beyond.

When I finished the last page, I started to shut the book, but – out of curiosity – turned to the copyright page. I couldn’t believe it.


If not for a reference to the price of a house in Detroit and Tigers’ pitcher Denny McLain the story could have been written this week. Well… more than likely there were other references, but certainly nothing jarring. I remembered McLain on the mound back in the day so that stuck out as a little dated. There are plenty of books that don’t hold up so well over time.

The Big Bounce was filmed in 2004 and hopefully Elmore Leonard got a vacation out of it. His novel was set in his longtime hometown of Detroit but they set the movie in Hawaii. Probably a party-set thing for actors Morgan Freeman and Owen Wilson. There were a number of other areas that departed from the book and I’m guessing that’s why the film has a 16%-positive rating on a review website.

I thought the novel was pretty good.

In the shop here, you’ll have to look in three separate locations to find all the titles by Elmore Leonard, but – in this particular case – it isn’t due to my disorganization. It’s more a reflection on the diversity of Mr. Leonard’s writing.

Many of his stories are recognizable as successful films. (26 of his works have been adapted for movies and television.) Most of his works are in the mystery section. 3:10 to Yuma and others like it are over among the Westerns. That title has been filmed twice, with the latest version starring Russell Crowe pulling over 80% on the critics rating scale (on Rotten Tomatoes site). They stuck pretty close to the Leonard version.

For a guy actively writing for more than half-a-century, Mr. Leonard never lost his sense of urgency. At age 84, he was working on a new novel that would have incorporated the main character of the F/X network program Justified. The show is based on a couple of Elmore Leonard stories, so he would have been borrowing his own character back.

His son Peter says Mr Leonard never recovered from a stroke suffered a little over three weeks ago and lost his battle earlier today.

With titles like Get Shorty, Jackie Brown, and Freaky Deaky, the prolific author will live on – a timeless legacy of the Dickens of Detroit.


In the Raw is cooking!

Cookin’ up a construction storm, that is…

Someday soon, you’ll be eating sushi where this dirt is. And when I say, “You’ll be eating sushi,” that is to say “I won’t be, but maybe I’ll watch you enjoy your meal.”

Nothing against the dish and certainly no ill-will toward In The Raw, which will be serving dinners to the public from the location in the accompanying image. I just don’t think I’m ready for raw fish. Oh, sure. A raw fish is fine when it’s dangling from your fishing hook and a raw fish is dandy just before it goes into the skillet.

I just need that cooking process to come between the raw portion of the meal – and my mouth.

They’ve made some progress in downtown Broken Arrow, although it is low to the ground. In the ground, actually. The foundation for their new building is set, and I’m sure things will be rising quickly from that solid planting.

It would be great if they could get their facility up and the restaurant readied by the time the Rose District project is completed. According to the paper this morning, that should be late October-early November, depending on what project is being discussed. They hope to have it all in place before the holiday shopping season rolls around.

In the meantime, those of us already in our buildings are trying to keep from wringing our hands and worrying. I’m not complaining about any of it, because it does no good fussing over it and – I’ve learned – time seems to be flying right along. I’ll turn around a couple of times and the whole thing will be finished.

The second image shows where the brick planters are nearing completion on the east side of Main, south of Commercial Street. (You can click it for a larger view…) I trotted down the block to snap a shot before the sun dropped below the edge of the rooftops. Workers were rolling up the bright orange construction fencing, but I couldn’t tell if they were removing it or simply relocating it.

As with any big remodel, the sidewalk supervisors among us have a variety of opinions. I believe about half of the folks mention that “it seems to be taking forever,” while the others are marveling at how “fast they are moving along.” Probably it is somewhere right in between those observations.

Here is a news flash: The images are courtesy of my just arrived replacement cell phone. Purchased on eBay: $20… Bluetooth photo transfer: Priceless.

The phone is the same model as the one I washed in the laundry. It felt comfortable in my hand as soon as I removed it from the mailer. In fact, it proved to be pretty painless to get the phone transferred to my phone number. Sent a text message already. Got one back. Checked the alarm function and camera. Battery recharging just fine.

This little beauty does it all – all except make a call.

The telephone function appears to be crippled unfortunately, and in the case of a phone that is something of a disappointment. Early diagnosis? The built-in speaker is kaput. No ringtones, no music, no internet-provided audio. No hear-y when people speak-y.

Other than that, I love it.

I’m going to try an earbud to see if it will pass along sound that way.

If not, my texting skills are bound to improve in a hurry.

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main Street, Broken Arrow OK!

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