Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

Tag: Catoosa (Page 42 of 101)

Read a good phone book lately?

The pages are yellow, but they aren’t the Yellow Pages. This little pamphlet is the entire telephone book, Broken Arrow, 1930. It’s small enough to read the entire thing. And I’ve done it.


People ask all the time, “What used to be in this building?” I only knew for certain who was here just before the bookshelves were moved in. In fact, if you visit Main Street on Google Earth, you’ll still see the Francy Law Firm lettering on the black awning. (They need to update our Rose District!)


In 1930, our location was home to J. L. Greene Mercantile Company. You could reach Mr. Greene at his store by dialing 329. That isn’t the prefix or area code. That’s the whole phone number. 329.

The “operator” era, when a live person spoke to anyone who lifted the handset from the phone cradle, had ended for Broken Arrow – but apparently only recently. Page two of the little phone book describes in detail the methods and actions required to place a call.


“Remove the receiver from the receiver hook,” it says. “Place it to your ear and listen for the ‘DIAL TONE.’ When heard, proceed.”

Those homes equipped with a telephone in an outlying area still had to rely on a phone operator. “Dial number ‘8,’ instructs the General Information Section on how to call rural subscribers. “The rural operator will answer you by saying ‘OPERATOR.’ Give her the rural number desired and your call will be completed.”

Not a word about voice mail.

When Mr. Greene died suddenly in 1947, Greene Mercantile became a Broken Arrow footnote and the building was given over to other purposes. A couple of customers have told me that a fellow named Sy ran a recreational hall in the location sometime after that, with billiard tables and such.

Another visitor to the shop told me she had been born upstairs, next door. I certainly wasn’t in a position to doubt her story, but the old phone book has verified that two doctors maintained a “surgery” above what is now Glamour Gowns & More.

Dr. W. Mark Cooper kept his office at 124-A Main (above the gown shop, dial 5026), and could have walked to work from his home at 226 East Dallas (dial 215). Dr. Onis Franklin, a Tennessee native, lived down the block from Dr. Cooper, and the two shared the “surgery” upstairs at Main and Commercial. No doubt the good Doctor Franklin was in attendance at the birth of the woman sharing her story with me.

Barnsdall Refining resided where the little park is now at Main and Broadway. You could pick up your nails and such at Akers Hardware, 116 S. Main, dial 5046. Next door was OK Seed and Feed Store at 114, now home to Southern Magnolia. Oklahoma Natural Gas and Public Service Company kept offices mid-block, where 1907 Boutique and Star Jewelers are now located.

It’s surprising to see how much competition there was in such close proximity. Several lumber companies, mercantiles, general stores, and druggists were within a few doors of each other. Broken Arrow, small as it was at the time, had at least three funeral homes (all with display advertising) and all three operated ambulance services. Instead of 911, you’d dial 224 (Broken Arrow Funeral Home), 271 (Barth Funeral Home), or 211 (Kennedy Funeral Service).

Mr. Barth also had a mercantile on Main Street, to tide him over during the public’s healthy times.

I used to be a member of a car club and I’m pretty sure our membership directory was about the same thickness as the Oklahoma Telephone Company’s 1930 Broken Arrow phone book.

It’s no stretch when I admit to you that I’ve enjoyed reading this little historical artifact a lot more than any other telephone directory I’ve ever owned. Makes me want to pop down to McKee Cafe (223 S Main, dial 342) for a tall tasty sarsaparilla with a dash of cherry.

Come visit! (or dial 918. Plus 258. And don’t forget the 3301!)


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

Tee Off!


News of the night, for those who may have shy of the cold evening: We had a good time here at the shop, Dustin and I. After a slow start, we played host to quite a few folks – many of whom were visiting for the first time. Some of the scheduled activities were called off – the outside musicians, for example. No sense in having their talented fingers snap off in the chilly air!

For the shoppers, there were warm interiors to dash into and I heard from several folks who decided they had overdressed for the weather. I was told by several ladies that they were wearing long-underwear, and I’m not sure that conversation has ever been broached in my presence.


Since it wasn’t quite so crowded as last year’s event, it was easier to navigate the store and we were able to find some good homes for a good many books. (The cookies seemed to disappear, too!)

Thanks everyone, for coming out!


Earlier Note

Chilly weather. Maybe chili weather, too. Some might call it downright – cold. Heavy-coat night or not, the Holiday Tee Off will offer specials, prizes, and merchant hospitality in the Rose District!

As for the bookshop, it is warm enough inside to make it a plenty comfortable stop, if you care to venture out. November 13th would normally be a little early for me as a date to have a tree inside the premises, but it is standing up near the front door. It’s a special kind of spruce, a Norwegian Nude. You can click on the image and see that it’s pretty bare, for a fact.

We don’t know how it will turn out, turn-out-wise, whether it will be the open-house mad-house it was a couple of years ago, or something a little less due to the need to park and walk. (Main is blocked to traffic until around 9pm.)

The cookies are out for our open house. We’ll see how long they last this year.

Grab your ski-parka and…

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

Gotcha covered.

The front door chime at lunchtime didn’t always mean someone entered the shop. Some door-openings were folks checking to see how busy the old man was. Well.

That’s changed.

You regulars already know it, but it occurred to me that I never got around to a website note. So – here it is.

A couple of years ago I had stored away tables and chairs. I realized I could only wait on so many people at once and still provide good service. And taking care of guests is really important to me.


My son Dustin has mastered the menu items and has taken up the primary kitchen duties. He spent a limited amount of time in the kitchen with me back in the Paddy’s Irish days and has mastered his own specialties that have proven popular. He’s behind the daily chalkboard specials. Some of them, like the Roasted Corn and Pepper Quesadillas, are strictly south-of-the-Irish border. Dustin is a salsa-aficionado and makes his own to accompany the special, along with some of the best guacamole I’ve ever tasted. It’s also found on a soft-crust sourdough bread sandwich with bacon, turkey, and guacamole. You’ll also encounter specials ranging from Pulled Pork BBQ Sliders, Grown-up Grilled Cheese with Tomato Soup, to a gluten-free vegetable soup.

Even the bacon is a new thing. Our Tulsa World restaurant review way-back-when mentioned that there was a fear that the books would begin to smell like breakfast if we fried it up in the kitchen. We don’t have that problem cooking it in the oven, which allowed Dustin to add it to his fresh ingredients list.

Together, Dustin and I dragged the tables out of storage and set them up front. Greg, our neighbor at Southern Magnolia (a great shop with everything from antiques to fireplace hearths!), contributed a tabletop that allowed the seating of an additional party of four. And here’s the news for those of you who had been peeking in to see if I was already busy…

Dustin’s wife Rachel is keeping up with the guests in spectacular fashion. As most of you have heard me admit, my days of carrying four and five plates at a time are gone. (I didn’t worry about dropping them in the past. Now, I worry.) She’s fast and efficient, and I don’t have to send parties of six or more away like I did in the past.

The bistro has always been licensed for low-point beer, but I didn’t stock it during the Rose District renovation project. The construction fences and barrel barricades are gone, and we’ve stocked a limited selection of beers, including Killian’s Irish Red, Blue Moon, PBR, Coors & Bud Lite, and Amber Bock – among others. On draft is Boulevard Wheat, a craft beer from Kansas City.

The hours are expanded, too. Lunch is served from 11am to 2pm, including Saturdays.

No need to peek inside the door to check the tables. Come in and let us serve you.

There’s no more old bookman racing like crazy, solo.

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

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