Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

Tag: booksellers (Page 86 of 92)

Very Important Diners…

Served some VIPs in the bistro today. Several groups of them, as a matter of fact.

Two gentleman drove from their jobs north of downtown Tulsa, just to have lunch at McHuston’s… that makes them VIPs in my book. Two other fellows also drove over from Tulsa for no other reason than to have lunch here.

I can’t tell you how humbled and flattered that makes me feel.

After finishing their meal, a man and his wife confided that they were “looking to be adventurous for lunch” today, and made a twenty-five mile journey from west of Tulsa to try out the lunch fare. I was pleased to serve them a meal, and was especially happy they enjoyed it.

They have to be VIPs to make a commitment like that – a fifty mile round trip to try Irish stew and potato soup.

For that matter, the guest who brought in her book to read over lunch, who was obviously on a limited lunch hour – she’s important too. To me, it means that she was willing to take a leap of faith that I would be able to serve her a hot meal during that short period of time she was able to slip away from the office.

Oh, and there was another couple – a gentleman who works downtown Tulsa who stopped in with his wife for lunch. Another VIP.

Unlike the other folks, though, I knew this man’s name. I recognized his face from the picture in the newspaper, that section that does the restaurant reviews. Scott Cherry: Restaurant Critic – The Tulsa World.

It’s been busy at lunchtime for the last week and a half – and today, I was too busy to get too flustered. I was rattled at first, needless to say, but after my first screw up I figured it was a little like diving into the creek without knowing how to swim: just flap and kick and scramble until you reach a resting point.

I brought his wife a cup of soup instead of the cup of stew she had ordered. Did I mention I was a little rattled?

The Blarney kicked in and I kidded and cajoled, trying to work my way out of a red-checkmark, stay-on-your-permanent-record-for-life, bad report card. We’ll know how my efforts went when the article hits the newspaper next week.

Regardless of how it turns out, I’m certainly thrilled that people have gone out of their way to come in for some lunchtime dining. It makes it worthwhile, peeling all those potatoes and carrots, and chopping all those onions (that crying over the cutting board thing is no myth…).

The publicity has been both a blessing and a curse: I’ve not worked this hard in quite a few years (stocking books and punching buttons on the cash register doesn’t generate an aerobic workout, exactly…). It is fun, though. Adrenaline junkies will understand. There is something about having a deadline and a task that must be completed in a satisfactory way before it… when it goes well, there is a real sense of achievement.

Enough of the rationalizing over the flubbed service at the food critic’s table. I’m happy to serve any and all VIPs or otherwise during the lunch hour! Just remember, there are only a few tables and lately they’ve been filled early…

McHuston Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District, Broken Arrow OK
122 South Main Street

Books: Rare, Antiquarian, & Otherwise

Big-time Religion.

I mean no disrespect – for NBC, the writer, or the Catholic Church for that matter. But this headline surprised me, just a bit.

From the website: NBCNews.com

Without a pope, who’s running the Catholic Church?

Really? Who is running the church? Like it’s a school bus barreling down the street filled with screaming children and the overwrought driver just leaped out? Not the same scenario.

Like a grocery store – at the express line maybe – and about a dozen shoppers with arms filled with merchandise watching in distress as the clerk peels out of his apron and abandons the cash register? Nah. I don’t think so.

Like the President of the US up and quitting and maybe North Korea or some other jumpy bunch thinking it’s the most opportune time to launch an attack? Well….. no. Who is going to fire up the rocket launchers and tanks to invade the Vatican? I’m thinking, no one.

The Pope changed the rules before he quit, so the Cards can elect a successor right away. They’ll get about their business and a new passenger for the Pope-Mobile will take his comfy and secure seat. Could be any day now, already.

Without a pope, who’s running the Catholic Church? What? They don’t have someone to sign the payroll checks, or lock up the doors at night? Without a pope, is there no one to put out the Papal cat? Was the Holy Father answering the Apostolic Telephone Switchboard?

The Church? Been around a couple of thousand years.

It will last through the intervening days, while the Pope-cape and top hat are resized.

Meanwhile, if you are looking for some heavy religious reading, you might consider the 1855 volume shown in the image. It weighs in at five-pounds, eight-ounces. Compare that to less than a pound for a typical paperback book.

This little one-owner (I can’t guarantee that…) was published before the US Civil War, and is still holding up very nicely, thank you very much. Typical of the more expensive books of that time, it has a quantity of steel engravings, which in the era before the invention of photography as we know it, allowed folks to see exacting reproductions and original works of art. Many were carefully clipped from books and framed, to be hung on the wall as artwork.

There are no pages missing in this book, though. Leather bound with gold embossing, it would make an impressive addition to any scholar or book collector’s library.

Unfortunately, my cellphone camera doesn’t do close-up photography that well (or perhaps it is better blamed on the photographer…), but you can click on either image for a larger view of the book and one of its plates.

Come see us!

McHuston Booksellers and Irish Bistro
Rose District, Broken Arrow, OK
122 South Main Street

Public figs and cigs.

Even before remembering the race to break Babe Ruth’s home run record, when I saw this ad on the back of an old TV Guide magazine I immediately thought of John Kruk. He played major league baseball for several teams, but I remember him best for his time with Philadelphia Phillies.

Before a game, he was standing outside the stadium, casually smoking a cigarette, when a woman admonished him for his habit. The always quotable Kruk responded with:

“I ain’t an athlete, Lady. I’m a baseball player.”

It was a reply that was obviously overheard. It caught traction and was repeated so often that when the former ballplayer wrote his book, he used the first part of the quote for his title.

Roger Maris, on the other hand, was a lot more athlete and a lot less quotable. In fact, he was considered almost surly by the New York news media during his Yankee days. In all likelihood, he was more straightforward with his answers than he should have been, and never kowtowed to the press like some of his teammates did. Some of the questions from the media had to do with the string of injuries that plagued Maris in the years following his 1961 season. You can click on the image to read his quote for R.J. Reynolds. The date across his face is courtesy of the Postal Service, which cancelled the wrong side of the magazine during the mailing process.

The Minnesota native hit more home runs than Babe Ruth – 61 in ’61 – as the media recorded it, but the media attention took a toll. At the time, there were a number of folks associated with baseball, as well as fans, who thought Ruth’s record should stand forever. Roger Maris related later that the stress in 1961 was so great that – at times – his hair fell out in clumps.

Interviewed at an All-Star game twenty years later, Maris still harbored ill-feelings about the negative attitudes.

“They acted as though I was doing something wrong, poisoning the record books or something,” he said. “Do you know what I have to show for 61 home runs? Nothing. Exactly nothing.”

Who knows whether smoking was a factor? Roger Maris died in 1985 of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a form of cancer. He was 51.

Times change. You don’t see a lot of celebrity endorsements of tobacco products. In fact, you don’t see a lot of cigarette ads these days.

For that matter, you don’t see as many magazines near the checkout stands any longer, but the venerable TV Guide is still hanging on, and will celebrate its 60th birthday in April.

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