Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

Tag: booksellers (Page 50 of 92)

Have a Heart!

There should be some smiles on Friday. And not just among those receiving the heart-shaped boxes of chocolates. Unless your shopping is done exclusively online, you’ve no doubt seen the all-green aisle featuring shamrocks and kiss-me-I’m-Irish stickers. It’s called the Seasonal section. And St. Paddy’s day is waaaaay next month.

Since the removal of the glitter and Christmas wrap, the seasonal aisle has been red-hot red with hearts and candy. Those stores are where some of the smiles will be found.

Any business selling those heart-shaped chocolate boxes will be ringing up sales on Valentines Day. Oh, there are some serious planners among the love-struck who have already made their purchases – but there will be plenty of shoppers who have just realized they are heading home to the better half empty-handed.

A marital no-no, as you know-know.

So expect some jam-ups at those retailers. Same thing with the card stores. Last minute Valentines are just fine, as long as they are hand-delivered. The post office will be a heartbreaker if you’re hoping to send that love missive cross-country (or even cross-town for that matter).

Here in the Rose District you’ll find a unique shop perfectly suited for Valentines Day. The sweets are hand-made daily at Nouveau – Atelier de Chocolat, an Old World Belgian chocolate shop that has plenty of special one-of-a-kind treats that will keep you out of a New World of hurt.

Of course, my neighbors at Star Jewelers have been busy for days. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Watch repairs are a guy’s distant acquaintance. There ought to be some smiles in the neighborhood on those counts.

Oh, and the flower shops. Nothing says “I Love You” like a dozen roses or a ribbon-wrapped arrangement. Nothing says “I enjoy your company occasionally” like a potted plant. Nothing says “I admire your gardening skills” like gift-tagged shrubbery. Now, there’s a smile, in spades.

Not to mention the restaurant trade (except I’ll be mentioning it in depth for this next paragraph, exclusively): According to the National Restaurant Association – those folks who are paid to lobby our elected officials on how to vote on dessert issues – Valentines Day is firmly entrenched in the top five Dining-Out days of the year. Here they are, according to 20 years of research by the NRA (not the rifle people). Mother’s Day remains the top holiday for dining out followed by Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day, New Year’s Eve, and Easter. (Personal note: I understand the top four on the list, but really… Easter? Was Grandma’s glazed ham so bad that dining out became a family tradition? Did someone misspell the occasion as EATER? And how come the Top-Eating-Holiday ever invented – Thankgiving – did not even make the list? Are you kidding? Really? We love to home-bake our turkeys.)

There will be some smiles around the tables – candlelit and otherwise – from both diners and those serving up love-on-a-plate. It’s all about impressing on Valentines Day, and that includes the tip. Servers love that. Servers work double shifts for that. Servers miss their own Valentines Day dinner for that.

So – Friday is smiles-all-round day.

Unless, like me, you’re among the Valentines Day challenged. (This blog is all about political correctness.) Some of us stop in the Rose District chocolate shop just to smell the rarified air, wishing there was a reason to buy a boxful, knowing that a least one or two will be shared after the gift-giving.

I’m thinking there should be a special occasion for those of us who think outside-the-chocolate-box. A date on which we could feel noticed and appreciated. A non-Valentines-Day day, if you will. But, not necessarily a day when a card or a flower arrangement purchase is required. A day that the rest of us could go out to a restaurant (but not necessarily feel pressured to look at the special meal menu prepared just-for-the-day’s event).

A day, perhaps, that we could recognize the importance of others in our lives, although flowers and potted plants wouldn’t have to figure into the equation.

Kind of a Not Valentines Day, for the rest of us.

Oh. Wait a minute. We already have that.

All the other days of the year.

In the words of that noted card-writer Ann Nonimus (in text printed over a talking bowling pin): You BOWL me over, Valentine!

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

Snow-Capped Cars Beware.

Maybe today will be the day. The afternoon that last week’s snow will finally melt from the top of the car.

I’ve been driving the Sherman-Tank van since turning an icy 180 in the Firebird – despite my cautious approach. The van just doesn’t do things like that. And with all the dire weather warnings, I’ve just been playing it safe.

Consequently, the car – parked in a spot that is always hidden from the sun – still has a good layer of snow.

They’re saying maybe mid-forties this afternoon, which might melt it. I can’t recall snow staying on the ground for this length of time in Oklahoma. Maybe that’s what caused some folks to forget how to drive.

This morning’s award goes to the fellow who pulled onto Elm in front of the oncoming traffic despite the rapid approach of the cars. (I was in the right-hand lane doing 45 – the posted limit. The cars in the left lane were passing me rapidly but had to hit the brakes.) He drove 35 or 40 mph for about a mile and then he suddenly sped up, whizzed past on the left, and then changed lanes in front of me.

Then slowed down to 35 or 40 again.

I hit the brakes.

He turned right on 91st without a turn signal, and then sped ahead in the right hand lane. I turned behind him and watched him speed away ahead of me while I stayed within the posted 40 mph limit. At Main Street, he suddenly swerved across my path and made a left-hand turn from the right-hand lane.

About thirty yards north of the intersection, he abruptly made a complete U-turn in the center of Main. I was turning as he rolled through a red light and turned right, back onto 91st.

I wanted to count up the number of traffic violations he’d managed in the course of a mile or so, but it was way too early, too cold, and too common in Broken Arrow to make note of.

Except I just did, I guess.


Be careful out there, and take advantage of the forty-degree heat wave. Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

So many books. So little time.

It’s a project – but it is there to be tackled and there is no more putting it off. I’ve got to write all the books in the store.

Well, that isn’t EXACTLY true. The books have been written by their authors, of course. I’ve just got to list the titles to display them on the internet. Before the move to the Rose District, there were a couple of thousand titles listed for sale on the web, through the seller’s consortium Alibris.

During the confusion of re-shelving the inventory, a number of titles sold through the Alibris website. Ooops. Could not find them. Moving. Storage. Packing. Unpacking.

Can’t cancel a sale through Alibris, or they lower the seller’s rating. So. I had to buy copies from other dealers to send to my internet customers. Not always profitable. In fact, since our internet prices were generally set as the lowest in the country, it was usually impossible to find a replacement at a lower price.

After several internet-sales losses, I had the online inventory deleted. Bam! It’s gone.

There are some books that I’m fairly certain will never sell in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Even in the new Rose District location.


The listing has begun. While realizing it will take a good amount of time to upload a significant number of titles, I have to start somewhere. Consider the project begun with the first books photographed, described, and uploaded to the new website sub-sections. You can find them under the BOOKS listing on the Main Menu header.

And to think: back in high school I thought I would never have a use for that silly typing class.

There are only two books online now. A mere start. Plenty on the shelves though, so –

Come visit!

(Oh. And if you wondered about the Facebook-link quote: ‘Tol de rol lol lol, right fol lairy, Work’us,’ said Noah. It’s from Oliver Twist, spoken by Noah, the Undertaker’s apprentice to young Oliver. Makes no sense to me either, but I can identify with the Work’us part.)


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow, OK!

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