Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

Tag: Bestsellers (Page 9 of 71)

Framed. And liking it.

Feeling a little Hoity-Toity. An evening visitor at the front counter looked across the store and said:

I love your Larry Greer.

As in… original watercolor painting by artist Larry Greer that’s hanging on the wall of the shop, a painting I’ve owned all of my adult life. And my customer is talking about it with authority.

That was from his post-European-visit phase, she said.



According to her – and I have no reason to disbelieve – the late Mr. Greer was first known as a painter of western-style art. It was a long time ago when I bought the painting and I don’t remember anything else that was on display under his canopy.

It was at the Italian Festival at McAlester, years ago. Back then, the event was a big deal and was attended by at least one of the big-city television stations every couple of years. I don’t know if it has survived as an annual festival or not – shame on me.

The year the Original Greer (I may start calling it that from now on…hoity-toity-like), the year it came into my hands, I was a young DJ working afternoon drive radio in McAlester. The festival committee apparently decided that the way to entice some higher quality artists to display their works was to guarantee that some paintings would be sold.

We were asked as business-folks to promise to shell out some money. I offered to spend eighty dollars (and what was I thinking?) That amount was – as I recall – the figure I was paying for monthly rent. Eighty dollars doesn’t sound like so much now, but think about your own monthly mortgage or rent payment.


What can I say? I was a civic-minded knucklehead and not so good with finances.


The Italian Festival rolled around and – always one to stand behind my word – I dug into the cigar box and pulled out those saved-up twenty dollar bills. After polishing off a plate of spaghetti and ravioli, I wandered around the grounds looking for something that might liven up my apartment.

Maybe something out of the ordinary, just a tad.

Larry Greer handed over his watercolor and it has been in my custody since. I’ve never known much about it except how it came to be on my wall. Not too long ago, a woman spoke to Dustin about it and later returned with a printed page about an Oklahoma City art auction. It showed the sale of a companion piece to the one I own.

Same red-capped fellow in the same matte and frame, but painted in profile. Auctioned for some twelve-hundred dollars. It made me feel better about spending my eighty all those years ago. It’s still valued at about the same as a rent payment.

Then today, the lady says: I love your Larry Greer.

I may have gotten eighty dollars worth of satisfaction just having someone recognize it. Not a Picasso or Remington print, but still.

Nice to have a life-long companion get a little attention.

It’s Friday night – Late Night – in the Rose District! We’ll be serving lunch tomorrow, so…

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

Congratulations to AVB!

The barriers are down. The lights are on and the signs are up as a notice that doorkeepers at AVB Bank – (formerly known as Arkansas Valley Bank) in the Rose District, are throwing open the new building.

Kinda tricky, since the signs went up before the end of business on Friday afternoon, sending a few folks (no names mentioned here) down the block to the new building ahead of schedule.


It’s a beautiful addition to the area, done in an architectural style that makes the new construction right at home among the turn-of-the-century buildings that are the heart of the Rose District. The landscaping sets the bank off nicely, along with the new bronze monument on the north edge of the site.

AVB is at the corner of Main and El Paso and is worth a look the next time you are passing through the District.


Progress is being made on their neighbor’s construction, as well. The 1st National Bank building has some of the employees in a remodeled section, while others are still in temporary quarters until their spaces are finished.

It’s all a surprise to people who haven’t been around for a time. More than one visitor on Saturday mentioned what a pleasing change the downtown has undergone in the past few years. I’ll be happy when the last of the construction fences comes down, but it is still exciting that new things are popping up regularly.

A spokesman for Andolini’s called during the week to mention that the restaurant will be opening in the next week or so, bringing another dining opportunity to the Rose. Andolini’s is already known in the Tulsa market and their food truck has already been seen handing out pizza slices on BA’s Main Street.

Just a few doors down from the bookstore there are plans for the location that formerly housed the Back Creek Deli. There seems to be a halt to the interior renovation currently, but a number of remodels on Main have gone through delays before the grand re-opening.

Across the street, another remodel is in the offing. They’ve taped up some signs on the glass at the former Bruhouse bar and grille to let us know that the spaces will soon be serving breakfast and brunch at the corner building, and BBQ next door. The sooner the better, as far as I’m concerned. Empty buildings on Main Street serve no one’s best interest.

In the meantime, we’ll keep a chair ready for you at lunch time! We’ll be serving up something tasty, so…

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

It’s the Day for Night.

Some of you might be surprised to learn about the Vampire school here in town. Tulsa, actually – or at least an alternate fictional version of Tulsa – where the House of Night is a finishing academy for young Vampyres.

It’s the creation of former Broken Arrow English teacher P.C. Cast, who was first published by a regional press some 15 years ago and since then has had her novels debut at #1 on lists by USA Today and the Wall Street Journal.

Back in the day, the genre was called Horror fiction, but it is a little more complicated in this cycle of popularity. There are any number of sub-categories that include Romance and Young Adult fiction – sometimes just grouped under the heading ‘Paranormal.’


There are horror stories that do little besides scare you out of your socks, but even the original Count Dracula story had romantic overtones. The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer led the breakout of ‘paranormal romance’ stories, but the House of Night series by Ms Cast and her daughter Kristin has had similar success.

A movie option on the stories had been announced, but as is the case with many such contracts, getting it into development can take years – if it ever comes to fruition.

The books in the series have filtered in and out over the years, but series books tend to stay in the home library as a collection. Sort of a rare day when the collection makes its way to the bookstore.

This particular set is one book shy of complete, but it makes up for it by having an authors-signed hardback copy included.

Her fans have most likely found a spot on the book shelf for most of these already, but if that set is missing a book or two, here is a chance to fill in the gaps. (Or pick up the entire series and SUCH a deal I can make!)

Hot weather is so much more enjoyable with a nearby fan, a glistening glass of iced tea, and a book in hand.

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

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