Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

Tag: Bestsellers (Page 18 of 71)

Who so readeth this blog…

The year and occasion both escape me, but I remember visiting Tulsa (as a young pup) and being impressed mightily by the Camelot Hotel. Most of you probably recall it, although it has been gone for quite a few years and had lost its medieval identity years before that.

In its prime, that impressive structure made it easy to imagine King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Although history buffs will recognize that medieval castles had few amenities – you know, things like bathrooms.

The Camelot opened in September 1965 and became an instant landmark.

As ornate as the exterior was, I was compelled to see inside. The details aren’t as clear as they were decades ago, but I remember launching myself inside as though I had every right to be there, as if I had a room key stuck in my back pocket. Of course, I didn’t. But no one even seemed to notice me as I wandered around.

I poked my head into ballrooms that appeared more corporate than castle. I wandered down hallways checking out the décor. By the time of my exploration, the Camelot was on its last armour-clad legs. I distinctly recall the carpeting as pretty threadbare – long past the expiration date, if only carpets had such a thing.

The Arthur legend begins with the Sword in the Stone, (or the Lady in the Lake, depending on the version) and the Camelot had the sword-bearing-rock feature as well. In fact, the brass plaque that was mounted near the stone-embedded sword is currently being offered for sale on eBay.

If it wasn’t so pricey, I’d buy it myself and hang it over the literature section. I can imagine it with a little rewording: Who so pulleth this book of this shelf is rightwise born King Reader. Umm. Might work better left as is.

There’s no clue as to what happened to the Camelot’s sword, part of the display said to have been located by the swimming pool. If I saw it during my medieval sojourn, I have forgotten it. As I said, the place was pretty run down by the time of my tour, and apparently the carpet made a bigger impression than Excaliber. (Or maybe the sword had been removed from the stone by some King-to-be.)

Although there was no disguising the exterior, the hotel was reinvented for a short period as the Parkside Hotel, and I seem to recall a time when a religious group was going to make a headquarters of it, or some such.

Eventually, the structure went the way of so many aging buildings and was razed. Some stories associated with it are probably all but lost by now. I recall one of the Francis Ford Coppola films was shot at that intersection on Peoria, but I don’t remember if they worked it to include or exclude the hotel.

Maybe one of you broadsword-swinging-swordsmen (or swordswomen) will bid on the plaque and keep it in the vicinity. We can hang it over the mythology section until you clear up the required wall space.

Merlin smiled gently. “I cannot join you in that wish, brother.”

“Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.”

Arthurian quotes, while we wait for the auction to end. (Mists of Avalon, Monte Python and the Holy Grail – respectively. Or disrespectively, as the case may be.)

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

Downloading a book: a new thing?

No, it isn’t.

The technology was less complicated, but the prices more than made up for it. For a mere quarter, you could select a title, move the lever, and BLAP! your book drops down the chute, all ready to read. Faster than a 3G Kindle download any day.

It dates from 1947, early in the year. It was a time when “mat” was King. Anything worth buying had O-mat attached to it, an abbreviated version of automatic, I presume. There was the chief offender Laundromat – a place where the machines took coins in exchange for clean clothes.

The drawback to the Book-O-Mat was the lack of a sneak preview. It kept the books from getting shopworn from folks thumbing through them, but even the front cover artwork was hidden by the display method. But – what’d’ya want for a quarter?

A solution to that problem was offered a short time later by Rock-Ola, the creator of the Book-O-Mat. Rock-Ola is better known these days as the company that manufactured exotic jukeboxes. The later machines positioned the paperbacks – which were generally called “pocket books” back then – in a manner that offered a view of the front cover.

The Book-O-Mat machine carried a price tag of $175, which – in today’s dollars – equates to nearly two-thousand bucks.

Unlike the eReaders of today, which are advertised as having a viewing surface like “paper,” the Book-O-Mat was so sophisticated that it dispensed actual PAPER products, bound in a heavier printed stock with graphic images.


My head is spinning.

I don’t have a Book-O-Mat, but for a couple of short stacks of quarters, I’ll do a throwback to some really old-times and hand-deliver a Pocket Book to you in a futuristic thin container designed for easy carrying.

We call it a bag.

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

Barkis is willin’

Sometimes they get it right. But it’s rare when a film equals or surpasses the story that it’s taken from. We’ve got pretty good imaginations, most of us, and when we read the words we invariably create our own mental movies.

There are some movies that meet with critic’s approval and have little to do with the original story. I’m thinking about that adaptation of Stephen King’s The Shining. Stanley Kubrick brought his own take to that one, and it hardly resembled the book. On the other side of that one, I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey and had to go buy the book to figure out what it was that I had just watched.

I’m not sure it cleared it up for me.

Fans of the Lee Child action hero Jack Reacher were up in arms when it was announced that Tom Cruise would play the part. That was a tough call for me, too. I’m a Reacher fan, but I’m a Cruise fan as well. I kept an open mind and enjoyed the movie, even though Reacher in the books looks nothing like Tom Cruise.

There’s that mental image thing, again. In my imagination, Reacher is more of a handsome gorilla, if there can be such a thing. I figure that is the only way he can always win the fights and still impress the ladies.

Many of the characters from the Charles Dickens novels have been given the illustrator’s touch. Not always to the advantage of the story. Every time I think of A Christmas Carol, I envision Ebenezer Scrooge being played by Mister Magoo. I suppose I saw that cartoon a few times too many.

But, then – I’m a Dickens fan.

That’s why I had to thumb through another estate sale purchase, a small book put together by Mary Angela Dickens – a granddaughter of the original. Somehow, she reduced David Copperfield (and others) to a dozen pages or so in her 1893 retelling of her grandfather’s stories in Children’s Stories from Dickens.

Harold Copping did the artwork, and being a fan of all things illustrated, I couldn’t help thumbing through the pages. I was pleased to see the color plates that were included in my much-later reprint copy.

And, how about that? Mr. Peggotty, the adopted father-figure of Little Em’ly, looks just as I had imagined him. I’m a particular fan of Copperfield, possibly because Dickens confessed that it was his own favorite, but probably because I had such an enjoyable time reading it and discovering its many memorable characters.

Mr. Peggoty lives in a house that was originally a boat. Works at the seashore and is comfortable with everything marine, as is young and excitable Ham.

“Well said, Master Davy, bor!” cried Ham, delighted. “Hoorah, well said! No more you wouldn’t, bor bor!” returning Mr. Peggotty’s backhander, while little Em’ly got up and kissed her uncle.

Now there is some ACTION.

(In retrospect, it may well be the stuff people hate just as much as I love. Go figure.)

A signed copy of a limited edition of Children’s Stories was owned by Eleanor Roosevelt and brought over $1,500 at an auction about a dozen years ago.

You can bring Ham and Mr. Peggotty home in this version for under five bucks. Same words. Same illustrations.

No autograph, though.

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

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