It ranks among the most audacious statements ever, regarding a State of the Union address – delivered last night to an integrated legislative body in Washington. President Obama – about an hour into the message – drew upon those time-honored words that vigorously invoke a blessing on the United States of America.
Oh, that part wasn’t surprising. The outlandish moment came seconds later during the final applause.
“The president has just concluded his State of the Union address,” the radio announcer stated, with bold seriousness. She then set about explaining to me – along with my puddin’-headed counterparts around the country – what it was we had just heard.

President Obama's State of the Union Address 2011
As a number of people have complained to me about this media practice over the years, I know I’m not the only one who feels competent enough to translate the president’s English into – English. I mean, really – the words have just been spoken, and it isn’t as if the commentator is offering insight. It is only a repetition of what was said.
It may well be that the recap is on behalf of those who ventured from the recliner or couch during the course of the speech, sort of a “here are the things you missed while hitting the fridge.”
Maybe that’s not so bad. Still…
I draw the line, though, at having to be told while the movie credits are rolling up the screen and the audience is applauding, that the film is over. “The president has just finished speaking,” she said, not knowing whether the audience would realize that fact.
“This just in,” says the announcer. “The show has ended. Pick up your popcorn boxes, please, while I explain what it was you just saw.”
Where was she the first time I saw 2001: A Space Odyssey?