Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

Category: Uncategorized (Page 43 of 45)

Family Stories

Great stories aren’t confined to books – our own lives create anecdotes, enough to fill volumes! Sometimes the two collide, like in the case of the 1840’s German language bible recently reunited with its original owners. When such books come in the shop, every effort is made to find the family that would most appreciate owning the item. (Still working on a New England area wedding gift book, inscribed by the minister and witnesses on the day of the ceremony…) We work to reunite people with their own family stories, too! No charge if nothing is found – many family histories we’ve researched tell tales dating to the Revolutionary War! In fact, the most recent project unearthed the fact that ancestors of the researcher and the client had faced each other in a Civil War battle! (No blows were exchanged following the revelation…)

Nils Thor Granlund

As a matter of total disclosure, I have a vested interest in offering this new book from McFarland Publishing. They gave me a contract to write it. It’s the story of a Swedish-born showman who lived through Prohibition, the Roaring Twenties, the Jazz Era, and the dawn of electronic media.

He wrote music, flew airplanes, discovered entertainers, and was the first New York Deejay. He created the film trailer and was the first to use a microphone at a sporting event. He brought showgirls to Las Vegas before it had chorus lines. He made millions and died nearly penniless.

His once-famous name and routine was nearly completely forgotten. It was a pleasure to preserve the story of his many adventures and accomplishments and to solidify his place among the early entertainment world greats.

Another German Bible!

Having reunited an ancient German bible with its original family, we’re now in possession of another – although this one has no legacy attached to it. Perfect for collectors of the Holy Book, this German text bible was published in the late 1800’s and is among the largest books you may ever see! Plenty of illustrations and front and back boards that appear to have been carved down from tabletops! (Maybe not quite THAT thick, but hefty!)

A most impressive addition to any library. Photos and information to be posted on the Alibris inventory link, under BROWSE.

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