Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

Author: admin (Page 84 of 220)

Pass the nails, a building is going up!

It’s like an Amish barn-raising – in the morning, not so much to see… then by early afternoon BANG! Everything but the kitchen sink!

It’s a sunny afternoon in the Rose District. Morning fog is gone and two-by-fours are popping up from the cement like dandelions on the Oklahoma prairie. As you can see in the image, crews are already working on the exterior wallboard along the south edge.

Before eight o’clock Monday morning, there were just a handful of workers at the site of the future In The Raw restaurant. They were looking over the stacks of lumber that had been unloaded next to the foundation. A few hours later, the walls were on their way up.

With the weekend forecast, it would be great if they could get a roof installed before the frosty precipitation arrives.

Black Friday is behind us and from my informal, strictly unscientific survey – the merchants in the Rose District were pleased with the number of shoppers out and about. (And, more importantly – the number of buyers. We like browsers, but we love buyers!) After so many months of barricades, roadblocks, and darkness, it’s a welcome change to see a hint of normalcy returning.

I’ve noticed activity at the Bruhouse just across the street, and they seem to be nearing readiness for opening. A new sign has gone up two doors down from them, where the incoming cigar bar is in its latter interior construction stages. Those of you who have not visited the Rose District since the streetscaping project began may not have been aware of some of the other changes.

On the west side of Dallas and Main, Spokehouse Bicycles has opened a second location to compliment their Tulsa store. The shop is bright and filled with two-wheelers of all types. They’ve taken up residence in the building vacated by On The Corner, which has relocated to the southwest corner of the Broadway and Main intersection, next to the little park.

A cellphone store has moved into the building just south of the Main Street Tavern, and there is a pop-up shop in the location vacated by Ruffles and Bows. Pop-ups are temporary retailers with short term rent agreements, generally offering seasonal merchandise. The shop is offering vintage and new gift ideas for the holidays.

The Military History Museum has officially opened its doors and has an impressive collection of memorabilia and souvenirs on display. Construction is ongoing in that part of the district, but there are still plenty of off-street parking spots available. We get spoiled in the Rose District, with parking right in front of the storefronts, and get nervous if we have to walk from around the corner. (We never worry about the distance when we have to park in the north two acres of the Walmart lot. Go figure.)

Most importantly, there are no more orange fences or barrel barricades obstructing the sidewalks. There is room enough for square dancing.

The trees have been installed, most of the streetlamps are working at night, and I’ve seen the electric contractors fiddling with the traffic signals.

It’s coming along, so come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main Broken Arrow OK!

It’s up and it’s… No Good, but Great!

I was yelling GO! GO! GO! at the top of my lungs, and he WENT WENT WENT! One of the craziest game endings I’ve ever seen.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. I loved the Westbrook-three that gave the Thunder the win at the buzzer the other night. But, I’m a college football fan – first and foremost. (Used to be Major League Baseball until the player strikes killed my enthusiasm.)

For the first time in over five months (since the Rose District construction project began), it was so busy in the bookshop that I could not ease back into the office and watch some Saturday afternoon TV sports action.

I’m SO happy for that. A combination of beautiful weather and who knows what else brought sidewalks full of shoppers to the Rose District. Finally got to slip into the office just as the replay folks were trying to decide whether to give Alabama a final chance to win the game against Auburn in regulation. Of course there was a time out to ice the kicker.

So I jumped back out on the sales floor to wrap up some details, the closing-time checklist. Decided I wanted to see the field goal attempt and hustled back to the office, just as the whistle blew to start the play.

The kick looked wide to me, but it wound up as short. I immediately realized the returner had a lane to run through, then decided it wouldn’t make any difference since they would reset the game in the overtime that would follow the tackle.

Except there would not be any overtime. There wasn’t a tackle. One-hundred-nine yards later – Auburn is the winner of the Iron Bowl, knocking off number-one ranked Alabama.

Don’t get me wrong, you Tide fans. I’m pulling for your quarterback to win the Heisman, but in America, we have a habit of cheering for the underdog. When I’m not invested in a game, I pull for the upset. Maybe O-State or the Sooners can benefit and move up in the standings. Roll Tide. Except, not today.

Personally, I don’t think Alabama will drop much more than a notch based on the way the game was lost. Auburn played to another level and simply caught a break. And it was a BIG break.

I love watching college football – big programs, little schools, and even games with nothing at stake except a W in the win-loss column. When the local teams are on the field, it is too nerve-wracking for me to watch the kind of ending that got played over and over just now, the camera following a run from endzone to endzone.

Auburn has to have completed one of the greatest turnarounds in sports, from a 3-9 season record (and not a single conference win) to knocking off the top-ranked team in the nation and a shot at the SEC conference title.


If it had been the Sooners or the Cowboys or Tulsa on that particular field, I would not have had the nerve to watch. I’d have flipped over to the Food Network or Pawn Stars long before that last field goal attempt. As it was, I was privy to one of the most memorable moments in recent NCAA memory.

Ain’t life grand?

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

Dia de Pavo. (Turkey Day.) Thanksgiving if you will.


And, as you know, there are two types of thank-you acknowledgements that come up this time of year. There is the obvious, it-would-not-be-Thanksgiving-without-mentioning-this, kind of Thank You – those that can bring a lump to the throat and sometimes a teary eye. For things like –

Gravity. I am thankful for gravity.

If not for that little human-helper, Grandma’s finest would drift right up out of the gravy boat, leaving the mashed potatoes high and dry (literally). And who knows where Grandma might be found, without our friend gravity?

I’m sure it’s mentioned at your house too, when the thanks-circle goes around the dinner table.

Then, there are not-so-obvious Thank You items. Like: Thank you Billy, for not doing to me the things you told your friends you were going to do to me, when I ended up dating your girlfriend. (I didn’t know about the Billy-part of the new relationship at the outset, I swear.) Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for sharing the pizza I had carried home on the passenger seat instead.

And – also not so obvious – thank the lucky stars for the gift of persuasive gab that enabled me to convince Billy that I should be allowed to retain my teeth – which has let me enjoy pizza (and turkey) all these years.


Maybe it isn’t exactly like this at your house, or the gathering place where your group settles in for the feast.

Maybe you’re in one of those circles that gives thanks for home and health and families and good fortune and better luck and prosperity (no matter how modest). Could be you’re like me, thankful for AARP (Aches And Related Pains) as opposed to serious health problems. Glad for a job or thankful for retirement. Grateful for a second chance or a first opportunity. Giving thanks for remembering the anniversary or the birthday. Thankful for living to reach another one.

Thanksgiving can be for the welfare of someone else, someone close to you but maybe far, far away. Homecomings make for memorable Thanksgivings.

Our family used to go home to Grandma’s house (Grandpa was there too, but it seemed to me it was mostly HIS radio, HIS television, and HIS easy chair. Mostly Grandma’s house.) I was thankful, years later, that I asked her for her recipe for homemade egg noodles, those delicious chicken-and-broth covered noodles that contained half-an-eggshell’s worth of water. That was her recipe. I’m thankful I recognized that there are wavy boundaries in creating something delectable in the kitchen, and that something as inexact as half-an-eggshell could wind up tasting exactly perfect.

I’m thankful for those memories. And the chance to make new memories too, starting the day after Thanksgiving or even as soon as during the meal. Honestly, I have a long list of things that I am thankful for, beginning with the many folks who have made it possible for the bookshop to be settling into the new Rose District, including family, friends, guests and – particularly – Mr and Mrs Roy D. As for the non-book-thank-you section, I’ve gotten writer’s cramp making notes of all those appreciations.

I truly hope your day is exceptionally pleasing – filled with laughter, appreciation, and great company.

And gravity.

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