Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

Author: admin (Page 37 of 220)

The Two-Cents Worth…

The clerk had already pressed the button on the register when the lady said, “I think I have the two cents.” The young man looked at the machine and then looked at his customer. He hesitantly dipped his hand toward the cash drawer, and then stopped.

“That’s okay, ma’am,” he said to her. And then drew two bills and ninety-eight cents into his palm, set it atop her receipt, and delivered it into her hand – right over the two pennies she was offering.


Obviously, there were no math requirements for his job.

Or – am I being too critical? Maybe the thinking days are long gone, along with antiques like the ones in the images (one of which is sitting on the shop counter here…)

The ‘Amount Tendered” button is found on every cash register these days, allowing the machine to figure the correct change and display it on the machine and receipt. Maybe there ought to be a ‘Common Sense’ button, too.


If the clerk accidentally presses an extra ‘0’ when typing in a $5.00 amount tendered, does he give change for a $50 because the machine says he should? I’m pretty sure years ago one of my cashiers made that mistake before I reassigned him to a different position. The daily cash totals that had been out-of-whack since his hiring quickly came back in line.

Maybe I’m clinging to the old ways. Maybe the young clerk believed that the “Amount Tendered’ button would affect his cash drawer, and giving change other than what it displayed might have caused accounting problems at the end of his shift.

It wouldn’t have.

It wasn’t so much the math. Two plus ninety-eight is one-hundred. A dollar. He would have known that. It was the logic of the offered two-cents that threw him.

My good friend Mark will remember the machines we worked with at the grocery store, the ones with the pop-up amounts and tax-totals that we had to figure in our heads. That old machine on the book shop counter reminds me of those days when thinking wasn’t optional.

This afternoon while standing next in line, I had my pocket change in hand and was prepared when the total came up.

It was $13.01.

He looked a little startled when I set a penny on top of the three fives, but he sounded confident when he looked at the screen and declared, “Your change is two dollars.” He handed the bills and receipt to me and wished me a good afternoon. I think the lesson in cash register change-making was lost on him.

Here’s hoping our local bankers are a little more demanding in the screening for teller positions.

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

It’s the Day for Night.

Some of you might be surprised to learn about the Vampire school here in town. Tulsa, actually – or at least an alternate fictional version of Tulsa – where the House of Night is a finishing academy for young Vampyres.

It’s the creation of former Broken Arrow English teacher P.C. Cast, who was first published by a regional press some 15 years ago and since then has had her novels debut at #1 on lists by USA Today and the Wall Street Journal.

Back in the day, the genre was called Horror fiction, but it is a little more complicated in this cycle of popularity. There are any number of sub-categories that include Romance and Young Adult fiction – sometimes just grouped under the heading ‘Paranormal.’


There are horror stories that do little besides scare you out of your socks, but even the original Count Dracula story had romantic overtones. The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer led the breakout of ‘paranormal romance’ stories, but the House of Night series by Ms Cast and her daughter Kristin has had similar success.

A movie option on the stories had been announced, but as is the case with many such contracts, getting it into development can take years – if it ever comes to fruition.

The books in the series have filtered in and out over the years, but series books tend to stay in the home library as a collection. Sort of a rare day when the collection makes its way to the bookstore.

This particular set is one book shy of complete, but it makes up for it by having an authors-signed hardback copy included.

Her fans have most likely found a spot on the book shelf for most of these already, but if that set is missing a book or two, here is a chance to fill in the gaps. (Or pick up the entire series and SUCH a deal I can make!)

Hot weather is so much more enjoyable with a nearby fan, a glistening glass of iced tea, and a book in hand.

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

Not even a proper burial.

It happened quickly, like death at the door. A flash of a message on the screen. Something about the Facebook account being out of sorts. Click here. Merge. Backup your account.

Then, without warning: Session over. Logging out.



I’m no longer a member of the Facebook world. Some of my recently-reconnected friends from way-back-when will likely suppose I have died. And, to some others, being suddenly disconnected from the Facebook machine might be akin to death. Most of those in my small circle of Faces are resourceful people and will undoubtedly check the obituaries, and – not spotting my name – will suppose me to have fallen victim to the computer-crash demons, or some such thing.

When the account was set up, I don’t recall distinctions between personal and business accounts. By all appearances the rules have changed. When I tried to log in last night, the Face-keepers ordered a change from ‘personal profile’ to ‘commercial page.’ A Personal Profile would – I was informed – require that I upload some sort of identification, like maybe my birth certificate or driver’s license, to continue my Facebook experience.

Nah. I don’t think so.

There were occasionally notes or items I enjoyed seeing. I liked having an exchange with close and distant family members on birthdays and anniversaries. Pictures. (Sometimes.)

Dustin already has set up an account for the bookstore and posts his daily specials. The shop will be represented.

But those who knew who was behind the bookstore logo on the old account will be left to wonder what happened to that page and the occasional postings, Likes, and Shares.

404. Page Not Found.

You can always find me here, and at the shop. We’re stacking books and serving lunches Monday through Saturday, so…

Come visit!


Booksellers and Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow, OK!

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