Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

Author: admin (Page 33 of 220)

Baseball and the Battered Box.

Maybe it’s in the blood. Sports fan DNA or something. Some of us jump up and yell and some of us wonder – What’s the Big Deal?

Confession here: I’m a jumper.

I’m blaming it on the blood. I remember sitting with my Grandpa John in his big easy chair – talking baseball – when I was young enough to fit in the chair beside him. Kansas City was close enough to his house in Parsons that their team worked just fine as the one to cheer for. Probably are some folks in Parsons pulling for KC to win the World Series, but these days they’re rooting for the Royals.


Back in Grandpa’s easy chair days, they were the Kansas City Athletics and he was tolerant of my NY Yankee sentiments. Before the A’s, Kansas City had one of the Yank’s minor league teams and they had been doing about as well as their Major League brothers. Grandpa John probably could have recited the league standings on any given day.

There in the big chair, I squirmed around the newspaper he was reading – sports page, of course.

Next to the chair, on the little table, was a radio tuned to a baseball game. The sound was down on that big wood-cabinet television across the room, but grass-lined diamond on the screen clearly indicated baseball, even if the picture was in black and white.


Here’s the deal though. My memories of Grandpa John are of a man not much given to shouts and whoops at the crack of bat. Maybe others have different recollections of him, but in my memory he always seemed to be a laid-back, quiet sort of Grandpa. (He was said to have some harsh discussions with other drivers while he was on the road and behind the wheel, something else I may have inherited.)

I don’t remember him giving an approving shout at a line drive through the gap with men on base, score tied, bottom of the ninth – but he was a fan all the same.

And he was certainly patient.

Grandpa John’s television pulled in those ball games through an antenna mounted on the roof of the house. And that thing had to be aimed at the TV station to get a decent picture. Toward that end, he had a box on top of the television with a big plastic knob that controlled the motor that turned the antenna.

It made a great ratcheting sound, that box. Turn the knob and ka-chunk, ka-chunk, ka-chunk, the arrow moved around to indicate the direction of the antenna. I turned that thing often enough that the neighbors must have imagined the Huston house was helicopter-powered and ready to take flight.

Probably I didn’t know about anything skyward being turned by my fiddling with the rotor box. There was some kind of explanation once, kid-level-science details that whipped right through my ears and back out.

The box looked a lot like the one in the picture, to the best of my recollection. Thinking back on it, there is a vague memory of the TV growing all-fuzzy and then clearing up again. But the ka-chunk, ka-chunk, ka-chunk was the thing.

You just don’t get that with digital, kids.

The KC cousins and I are pulling for the Royals. Pick a team and do your own jumping, or just watch us and wonder: What’s the deal?

We’ve got sports books on the shelf and Dustin and I will be stepping up to the plate at lunchtime, so…

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 S. Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

Grills and Grilles. Wow.

It’s a wonderful thing when the weather cooperates for a scheduled outdoor event! And the crowds were out in the Rose District Saturday for the Grills & Grilles Show.

Barriers went up along Main Street early in the morning, allowing hundreds of show cars and motorcycles to be put on display. By the time I got to the bookshop there were already plenty of folks strolling the length of the District and checking out the cars.


Several years ago, the cooking-grills-part of the event was intended to be a burger cook-off, but this weekend the event featured a sanctioned BBQ competition. Chef Dustin wasn’t entered, but whipped up a prize-winning pulled-pork barbecue sandwich on a King’s Hawaiian bread bun, complete with his own potato salad and baked bean sides.

Sold out.

It was a busy lunch service here at the book store, needless to say – and a great big THANKS to Kristen for donning an apron and helping her brother and old dad. It was hectic enough with the three of us, but I would have needed a clone or evil twin to have kept up without her.


Unfortunately, there was no time to get a picture to show us in action, and my snapshots of the cars in the sunny October afternoon didn’t fair too well, with the exception of the one that was aimed at the shaded buildings.

There was music in the air, cars on the street, and the wonderful smell of BBQ all ‘round.

If you didn’t make it out, I hope you found another outdoor spot to enjoy the perfect afternoon! You can make a mental note to attend the Car & Motorcycle Show next year.

Hopefully, the weather will be as cooperative then!

We’ll be serving lunch all week, so…

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow, OK!

Framed. And liking it.

Feeling a little Hoity-Toity. An evening visitor at the front counter looked across the store and said:

I love your Larry Greer.

As in… original watercolor painting by artist Larry Greer that’s hanging on the wall of the shop, a painting I’ve owned all of my adult life. And my customer is talking about it with authority.

That was from his post-European-visit phase, she said.



According to her – and I have no reason to disbelieve – the late Mr. Greer was first known as a painter of western-style art. It was a long time ago when I bought the painting and I don’t remember anything else that was on display under his canopy.

It was at the Italian Festival at McAlester, years ago. Back then, the event was a big deal and was attended by at least one of the big-city television stations every couple of years. I don’t know if it has survived as an annual festival or not – shame on me.

The year the Original Greer (I may start calling it that from now on…hoity-toity-like), the year it came into my hands, I was a young DJ working afternoon drive radio in McAlester. The festival committee apparently decided that the way to entice some higher quality artists to display their works was to guarantee that some paintings would be sold.

We were asked as business-folks to promise to shell out some money. I offered to spend eighty dollars (and what was I thinking?) That amount was – as I recall – the figure I was paying for monthly rent. Eighty dollars doesn’t sound like so much now, but think about your own monthly mortgage or rent payment.


What can I say? I was a civic-minded knucklehead and not so good with finances.


The Italian Festival rolled around and – always one to stand behind my word – I dug into the cigar box and pulled out those saved-up twenty dollar bills. After polishing off a plate of spaghetti and ravioli, I wandered around the grounds looking for something that might liven up my apartment.

Maybe something out of the ordinary, just a tad.

Larry Greer handed over his watercolor and it has been in my custody since. I’ve never known much about it except how it came to be on my wall. Not too long ago, a woman spoke to Dustin about it and later returned with a printed page about an Oklahoma City art auction. It showed the sale of a companion piece to the one I own.

Same red-capped fellow in the same matte and frame, but painted in profile. Auctioned for some twelve-hundred dollars. It made me feel better about spending my eighty all those years ago. It’s still valued at about the same as a rent payment.

Then today, the lady says: I love your Larry Greer.

I may have gotten eighty dollars worth of satisfaction just having someone recognize it. Not a Picasso or Remington print, but still.

Nice to have a life-long companion get a little attention.

It’s Friday night – Late Night – in the Rose District! We’ll be serving lunch tomorrow, so…

Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

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