Rare, Collectible, & Otherwise

Author: admin (Page 25 of 220)

An Itty-bitty Irish Ditty…

Luke Skywalker marching with the Irish Regiment? Crazy – but true.


I’ve wondered more than once about things I’ve learned from Google searches. Pretty useless stuff most of the time, but still… all those questions that would never have been answered back in the day. Now I’m guessing there are very few original questions left. No matter what I type in, Google pops up with the rest of the sentence, presumably based on some other person’s online query.

Today it was an Irish song that set me to wonder. It’s a Mick Moloney song easily sung along with after hearing it a few times. Some sort of a story there, but I never paid much attention. This afternoon, a part of the lyric caught my attention in between the chorus line I was belting out – In the Regular Army O! (and if you’ve not heard me loudly singing Irish, you don’t visit near enough…)

Irish songwriters apparently have an affection for the mild-mannered O… sticking it at the end of any line to make the rhythm and meter work.

I figured the song had to do with the Irish Troubles, but that was dispelled with a closer listen to the very first verse.

Three years ago, this very day,
I went to Govner’s Isle
For to stand against the cannon
In true military style,
Thirteen American dollars
Each month we’d surely get,
To carry a gun and a bayonet
With regimental step.

So – I Googled it.

It turns out the song is no traditional Irish pub ditty, although it’s been around long enough to qualify. It has more to do with all the Irish immigrants who stepped off the boat and into the Union Army during the Civil War.

Ned Harrigan and Tony Hart were Irish-American equivalent of Burt Bacharach and Hal David back in the l800s. The Regular Army O was part of a Broadway musical, and as Wikipedia describes Mr. Harrigan: His career began in minstrelsy and variety but progressed to the production of multi-act plays full of singing, dancing and physical comedy, making Harrigan one of the founding fathers of modern American musical theatre.

Although Mr. Hart died at a younger age, Ned Harrigan continued in theater for many years and the New York Times devoted a page to the “good old days” of Broadway at his death in 1911.

And how does Luke Skywalker fit it with the Irish Regiment?

In 1985, a musical celebrating the partnership, Harrigan ‘N Hart, opened on Broadway, based on the book The Merry Partners by Ely Jacques Kahn. Harry Groener portrayed Harrigan and Mark Hamill (Luke of Star Wars fame) played Hart. The New York Times liked the memories of the songwriting team better than the show, which was described as dull and “aimless.” Audiences apparently agreed and the show closed after four performances.

Just as well, I imagine. Hard to think of Luke Skywalker declaring in a thick Irish brogue “I am a Jedi, like my father before me,” and of course adding, “so ye best step back or I’ll be poking ye with me wee light saber.”

As for the Irish Bistro, we’ll be serving from the Regular Menu O tomorrow, so come visit!

And so we remember…

I have visited my father.

Memorial Day seemed like an appropriate time. I didn’t realize until just recently that the holiday is intended to honor those who died in military service. Ray J. made it back from combat in the Pacific, but I suppose a cemetery visit is still allowable even though he died long after the end of World War II.

There are more than a few folks, I imagine, who simply recognize Memorial Day as the kickoff of the warmer weather of summer.

In an online op-ed column, John F. Sweeney points out that there is more to the long weekend than festivals, camping, and cookouts:

…the real purpose of Memorial Day is to remember the sacrifices of the men and women who gave their lives in service to our country. The origins of this holiday stretch back to the years following the Civil War, when local townspeople would plant flowers and decorate the graves of soldiers who had died in those battles. Ultimately, the U.S. government standardized the date and, over the years, the tradition expanded to honor soldiers lost in subsequent wars.



I thought it was a general, across-the-board observance for remembering those folks who were important in our lives but are no longer with us. Not meaning to detract from veterans and those who were lost in action – I was just confused. All those little American flags dotting the cemetery make a lot more sense now.

My grandmother had the Blue Stars displayed in her window, a red-bordered banner with a star for my father and another for my uncle – both of whom returned safely. The families who made the ultimate sacrifice were those displaying a Gold Star banner. I don’t know if the tradition continues, but I still have Grandma’s banner on the wall near the checkout counter.

I suppose Grandpa was over the age limit for service in the Second World War, but I ran across his registration paperwork where he listed himself as available. He was 45 when he filled out the form in 1942. (A little sobering to consider the fact that my grandparents were born in the 1800s. Suddenly, that seems like a long, long, time ago – more so than it used to.)

In the image you can see that he lists himself as self-employed: operating the Palace News in Parsons, Kansas. When I’m high atop the ladder changing a light bulb, I think of Grandpa Ray (who fell from his ladder while performing the same chore and broke something… he recovered and went on to change many more bulbs.).

Since our family has no one that fits the requirements for Memorial Day observance, I’ll dedicate this small remembrance to those of you whose lives were changed and to those who made such a sacrifice in serving the country. And – to the rest of us indebted to those veterans – have a safe and happy holiday.

The bookstore and bistro will be closed Monday, but I hope you’ll visit later in the week!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main Street
Broken Arrow, OK 74012

You say tomato. I say toe-mah-to. Aw, heck. I do not.

Maybe they thought I was a basket-case. The baskets of fruits and vegetables in front of the bookstore just didn’t happen, but – with a couple of exceptions – the artist’s rendering of the Rose District is very similar to the finished project.

The most obvious difference between the brainstorming phase of Broken Arrow’s Main Street makeover and the final product is that center median in the image (click it for a better view). Maybe a median and trees would eliminate those U-turns for opposite direction parking, but I have my doubts. I am pretty sure the trees in the drawing would quickly outgrow those narrow planters.

Then there is that fruit and vegetable stand in front of our bookshop, and maybe that’s the artist’s depiction of me in the picture, leaning over and lining up the tomatoes. I used to have some high-water pants like those.


The image is courtesy of John Ferguson, whose story in the Broken Arrow Ledger looks back on the groundwork and research that went into planning the streetscape makeover.

Main Street Tavern is easily recognizable in the image as the red brick once-upon-a-time bank building – center right – with the multicolor sidewalk umbrellas. The brown awning just below the New Orleans-style iron-railed balcony these days has the logo for Glamour Gowns. Our own awning – is missing.

We were on Main Street when the concept was introduced, just a ways down the road back then. The books and shelves were all moved into the current location just in time for all the orange construction barrels and protective fencing. Well, we survived it.

And haven’t regretted making the move.

I have often shared the observation included in the news story – that Main Street was largely deserted in the early evening hours, and certainly was by dark. When I closed up the shop and drove through the old downtown, it was rare to see a single parked car.

These days, it is just as rare to find a parking space.

Some folks complain about that, and I don’t know quite how to respond. Parked cars are a sign of business and customers. Commerce and such. Tax dollars and all that. My thinking is that – if you pull into a restaurant parking lot at lunchtime and there aren’t any other cars – maybe you should look somewhere else for eats. The good places are busy, because people want to be there.

I’m happy that people want to be in the Rose District. They’ve already announced plans to work the side streets for more parking. And most of us think nothing of parking on the north-forty at Walmart and walking to the door. It’s a longer walk from one end of Woodland Mall to the other, than it is from any parking space near the Rose District businesses.

Come on down. You’ll find plenty of things to do. Paint a picture. Smoke a cigar. Try on a formal gown. Sample chocolate. Have dinner. Shop for a unique gift. Or even buy a rose. The Rose District has you covered.

Except – no apples or tomatoes on the sidewalk in front of the bookstore.

The tomatoes are on your sandwich, at lunchtime. Come visit!


Booksellers & Irish Bistro
Rose District
122 South Main St. Broken Arrow OK!

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